Fitness & Wellness

Winter Workouts: Staying Active When It's Cold Outside

Winter Workouts: Staying Active When It’s Cold Outside

It can get cold and snowy in Louisville, KY, during winter. If you run, ride a bike, or even walk as exercise, you should dress for the weather and be cautious or find alternate winter workouts for those days when the weather doesn’t cooperate. It could be the best time to take your workout to the next level and join a gym part of the time while continuing your regular exercise regime on other days. It can add variety and improve all types of fitness, not just endurance.

When you stick with your outside regimen.

If you’ve always exercised outside, you conditioned your body for cold weather. It adapted slowly as the weather changed unless there was a dramatic drop in the temperature overnight. Layer your clothing instead of opting for one heavy coat. As your body warms, you can remove layers. Wear gloves and a cap or headband. If the temperature drops below freezing, wear thermal pants or undergarments. If there’s precipitation, wear waterproof clothing. Thermal socks and waterproof shoes with gripping soles are also necessary.

Stay safe.

During icy weather, take care if you’re running. Always take a cell phone with you. If possible, exercise with a friend. Whether you workout outside or keep it inside at a gym, leaving the house can be intimidating when it’s cold outside. Exercising with another person or a group can make you more accountable for your workout. It’s also safer. If one person has a health issue, the other can call for help. People with bad intentions are less prone to assault two or more people.

Take your workout inside.

Exercising outside can be invigorating and refreshing. It can increase your circulation and be more comfortable than a warmer inside workout once you start sweating. However, it’s not for everyone. Inside winter workouts may have more appeal if you’re not a fan of cold weather. If that describes you, exercise with a friend at the gym or use a personal trainer. You still have to face the cold to get to the gym. Both will improve your chances of going.

  • Whether you exercise outside in the morning or at the end of the day, wear reflective clothing. It gets light later and dark earlier, so you want to ensure drivers can see you. Put reflectors on the pedals and add lights if you ride a bike.
  • Don’t shy away from exercising outside on those days when the weather is crisp. Working out in cold weather improves your endurance and your exercise more efficiently. It can change white fat to brown fat that burns quickly.
  • Do warm-up stretching before you go outside to exercise. It’s even more important during cold weather. Your joints and muscles are stiffer during the cold winter weather. Start with your neck and work your way down to ensure all muscles are warmed.
  • Always check with your healthcare professional before you start any exercise program. If you’re looking for the best fitness program, our trainers can help you.

For more information, contact us today at Body Sculptors Personal Training

Why Diet Is Just As Important As Fitness

Why Diet Is Just As Important As Fitness

It’s that time of year. It’s a resolution-keeping or resolution-breaking system, depending on how well you’re doing. People often vow to improve their health by improving their diet or exercise regimen. Both are vital for good health. Which is more important? They should both be priorities. A healthy diet improves your physical well-being, and so does exercise. Each plays a vital role in good health.

If you want to lose weight, both diet and exercise provide benefits.

Remember this saying. You can’t out-exercise a bad diet. Eating healthy is a priority if you want to lose weight or build muscles. If you eat ten thousand calories daily, unless you’re an Olympic swimmer, it’s almost impossible to burn them off in a day. Even if you exercise, you’ll still gain weight. A poor diet doesn’t contain all the nutrients necessary to keep your body functioning at its best. Eating foods high in fiber feeds the gut microbiome. It acts like a secondary immune system and creates enzymes to control bodily functions.

Exercise can keep you looking and feeling younger.

Just like a healthy diet, exercise plays a role in weight loss. It burns calories to create a deficit that helps you lose weight. It plays a role in aging by increasing the length of telomeres. They act like aglets on the end of shoelaces and prevent the chromosomes from unraveling, which can cause cell damage and, ultimately, death. It also increases the number of stem cells in the body. They replace damaged cells and help you look more youthful. Exercise increases the beneficial microbes in the gut to improve digestion and bodily functions.

Improve both.

A healthy diet and regular exercise can help you reach any fitness goal. If weight loss is your goal, exercise burns calories, builds muscle tissue, and changes your body composition. The more muscle tissue you have, the easier it is to lose weight. Muscle tissue requires more calories to maintain than fat tissue does. You’ll be boosting your metabolism to make weight loss easier.

  • Both a healthy diet and regular exercise can help you burn belly fat. Obesity is the leading cause of preventable deaths, especially if most of it is around the waist. Diet and exercise can burn that fat, reduce insulin resistance, and prevent conditions like diabetes.
  • You’ll live longer and better when you eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly. Staying fit allows you to live independently for longer and enjoy what life offers.
  • Making small changes to your diet can bring many benefits. Cutting out highly processed food and food with added sugar improves your diet dramatically. Choose food closest to its natural state.
  • If you aren’t sure how to make the dietary changes necessary or how to create your workout program, we have registered dietitians and personal trainers to help. Always check with your healthcare provider before starting any diet or exercise program.

For more information, contact us today at Body Sculptors Personal Training

New Year - New Fitness Goals

New Year – New Fitness Goals

People in Louisville, KY rang in the New Year with resolutions and mental promises to do better in the future. These resolutions are goals. Many people set fitness goals to get healthier, stronger, or leaner. You need to do more than set goals or make resolutions. Your resolution should be clearly defined. Create a plan to achieve those goals and make them achievable. If you want to lose 40 pounds, you need to set a timeline. It should be realistic and healthy. By starting now, you can celebrate next New Year’s Eve looking fabulous.

Break down your goal into manageable sections.

If you consider losing 40 pounds, it can seem overwhelming. Break it down into smaller, easier-to-manage and achieve mini-goals. It takes a deficit of 3500 calories to lose one pound. Increasing your activity level and decreasing calorie intake causes a loss of two pounds a week by creating a 1000 daily calorie deficit. Establish your weekly weight loss goal, then determine how many weeks it will take to shed the forty pounds. If you choose two pounds a week, it will take you 20 weeks. That’s your deadline.

Determine your weekly plan to reduce your calorie intake.

Traditional dieting isn’t the best option for weight loss. People often starve themselves, feeling deprived and hungry all the time. Diets always end. Sometimes, they end at a drive-through Quickie Burger with an order of fries, a jumbo burger, and a shake. Sometimes, they succeed. When they succeed, people often return to old eating patterns that put on the weight in the first place. Instead, learning to eat healthier and smarter can mean never dieting again. A dietician can help you plan healthy menus that fit your needs and preferences.

Start an exercise program to burn more calories.

Some people join a gym to increase their caloric output. Others start a walking or bike riding program. No matter what you do, be consistent. Too often, people start with high expectations only to quit within a few weeks. Many people pay for gym memberships but never benefit because they fail to go. One way to avoid that and get the training that achieves your goals is to use a personal trainer. It turns your gym visit into an appointment.

  • Your gender, weight, age, body composition, exercise intensity, and activity level when not at the gym will determine how many calories you’ll burn when you workout. Men burn more calories than women. Younger people burn more calories than older people.
  • Track your progress. Winners keep score. When you track your workout and progress, it makes it more like a game that you want to win. It motivates you by holding yourself accountable.
  • Don’t push yourself too hard initially, especially if you have a sedentary lifestyle. Focus on learning the proper form for each exercise and start slowly to prevent injury that can set you back for months.
  • Always check with your healthcare professional before starting any new diet or exercise program. Our personal trainers can help you develop a plan to reach your fitness goals faster.

For more information, contact us today at Body Sculptors Personal Training

Healthy Snacks On-the-Go

Healthy Snacks On-the-Go

It’s difficult to fit in nutritious meals and eat healthy snacks when you’re busy. You have to be more prepared than people who have more time. Having on-the-go snacks available helps. Most people think snacks aren’t necessary, but that’s not true. They’re beneficial if you want to lose weight or need a pick-me-up. Eating a healthy snack can help you avoid tempting, unhealthy ones or overeating at the next meal. It’s even more critical if you have children. They should be lower in calories and high in nutrition.

Having healthy snacks available means you don’t need to buy from a candy machine or convenience store.

Whether you’re at the office or driving, sometimes you need a boost. You may have missed a meal because your day is so busy, so snacking may be a necessity. Having fresh fruit like oranges or apples available can keep you going. One option is a small bag of homemade trail mix with nuts, dried fruit, and popcorn or dark chocolate bits. Individual serving sizes of nuts in plastic baggies can feel like a lifesaver when you’re famished.

If you’re at the office, keeping a healthy snack in the refrigerator or at your desk boosts your energy.

Keep a bowl of cut fruit, string cheese, or plain Greek yogurt in the fridge at work. If you want a sweet treat, don’t get yogurt with fruit. Instead, opt for a container of Greek yogurt and mix in fresh berries. Yogurt with fruit added in the stores has far too much sugar to be healthy.

Are you grocery shopping? Eat before you go or have a snack ready.

It’s far too easy to fill your cart with cookies, chips, and other junk food when you’re hungry. If you have the kids with you, it’s even worse. A few groceries offer one free piece of fruit for children but don’t depend on it. Not many do, so you have to be prepared. Have grapes in the refrigerator ready to eat or bananas dipped in chocolate in the freezer. Nut butter on an apple provides carbs and protein to keep you or the kids going longer.

  • If you’re on the road a lot, keeping a small cooler of snacks can be beneficial. You can store hard-boiled eggs, raw veggies with dip, or lidded cups of berries, melon, or tropical fruit.
  • A healthy snack at home can be cottage cheese and applesauce, apple slices or celery with cheese, or a bowl of cubed watermelon or cantaloupe. If the fruit or vegetable is cut and ready to eat, you’ll be more likely to choose it.
  • Air-popped popcorn with seasoning is another low-calorie snack that will fill that empty spot in your belly. All types of seasonings are available, including nacho cheese, garlic, and bacon cheddar.
  • Make your healthy snack. Freeze fruit and juice, water, or yogurt in an ice pop mold or Zipsicle pouches for a cool treat in the summer. Make banana ice cream from blended frozen banana rounds.

For more information, contact us today at Body Sculptors Personal Training

Finding Your Perfect Workout Routine

Finding Your Perfect Workout Routine

What’s the perfect workout routine? The answer is different for every person. It all depends on your fitness level, special needs, and goals. If your goal is to lose weight, you’ll choose a different workout than someone whose goal is to bulk up and build muscle. The person who wants to feel better will also create a different workout than someone training for an Ironman competition. Identify your goals, then design a workout that meets those goals.

You’ll get more from an exercise routine that’s hard but still within your abilities.

Any program that makes you struggle so hard that you can’t finish, you’ll abandon it quickly. It also can cause injury. Proper form is vital for good results and safety. If you twist wrong or fail to have good form, it can result in an injury that puts you on the bench for a while. Improper form won’t give you the results you want, either. When your workout is beyond your ability, it can affect your form. Trying to lift weights that are too heavy can make you twist and turn, destroying your form and putting you at risk. If a workout is too easy, you won’t get good results. The workout should meet your fitness level.

Do you have special needs?

Special needs often mean physical limitations, like a back or knee issue or difficulties standing very long. Modify your exercise program to meet those needs. People with lower body problems, such as hip problems, can do seated weightlifting or water aerobics that reduce the pressure on the back. Modifying or doing specific exercises can help you get stronger. The newfound strength improves back and knee issues, allowing you to do traditional forms without pain.

You have to enjoy at least part of your workout routine.

No matter how effective your exercise program is, if you hate it, you probably won’t do it. The key to success is consistency. You won’t be consistent if you dread everything about your exercise routine. You’ll probably quit within the first few weeks. Include at least one or two days of activities you enjoy to stay more consistent. If you’re starting a fitness program, you might not be ready for the gym but love hiking or dancing. Start there and work your way toward refining your exercise program.

  • If you travel a lot, sticking with a fitness program is harder. Find ways to include exercise on the road, like using resistance bands. They’re inexpensive and easy to pack.
  • Track your progress. Winners keep score. Create a chart and track each exercise, including the number of reps, sets, or the weight lifted. Turn it into a game. Always try to beat your record.
  • Eat healthier and get adequate sleep. No matter what your goal is, feeling better, weight loss, or building muscle, you need a healthy diet and the right sleep.
  • Work with a personal trainer if possible. A trainer will ask the right questions to create a program specifically for your needs, goals, and fitness level. You can supplement it with activities you love.

For more information, contact us today at Body Sculptors Personal Training

Flexibility Exercises For Everyone

Flexibility Exercises For Everyone

People in Louisville, KY, come to Body Sculptors to get fit. Fitness is more than strength. It includes endurance, balance, and flexibility. People often forget balance and flexibility exercises when they don’t use a trainer. They are both vital for good health. Stretching and other exercises that improve flexibility help protect the muscle from injury. They increase the range of motion and help muscles relax to reduce aches and pains.

You might not expect flexibility exercises to boost muscle growth, but it does!

Stretching puts greater force on the muscles, prevents soreness, and promotes muscle growth. One study found it dramatically increased growth in a shorter time frame. Arm circles are stretches for flexibility. They also help increase blood flow to the muscles. Torso twists, lunges, deep squats, and hip circles to relax tight hip muscles also improve muscle growth if done before, during, and after your workout.

Dynamic and static stretches are ones frequently used for flexibility.

Stretching every morning when getting out of bed should be part of your routine. Dynamic stretches prepare the muscles for exercise. Static stretches, like toe touching, are done after the workout when the muscles are warm and stretchy. Lower body flexibility exercises include the forward fold (touching your toes), calf stretch, quad stretch, and lunging hip flexor. Walking lunges are also excellent to help improve flexibility.

Loosen your hip muscles and upper back.

The figure-four stretch can help relieve back and knee pain. It also improves hip flexibility. Lie on your back, feet flat on the floor, and knees bent. Bring up one leg and cross your ankle over the opposite knee. Place your hands behind the knee on the leg with the foot on the floor and pull that leg toward your chest. Lower your leg and reverse sides. Tricep stretches, shoulder stretches, arm circles, and an overhead side stretch help improve upper body flexibility.

  • Yoga poses are good flexibility exercises. If you have a sore back, loosen the muscles by doing a cat-cow pose. Start on your hands and knees with your back arched and head down. Move to the cow position by dropping your belly and raising your head. Alternate between the two several times.
  • Do arm stretches by first crossing them in front of you until they touch your back on the opposite side. Open your arms wide and attempt to touch the tops of your hands together behind you.
  • You can improve flexibility and relieve back pain with this simple stretch. Lay on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Create a loop in a towel by holding one end in each hand. Lift one leg. Put your foot in the loop and pull until the leg straightens.
  • Stretch your body with your hands stretched above your head to lengthen and strengthen it. It helps prevent tight muscles and improves flexibility. Hold your arms out to your side and parallel to the ground. Bend to the side and touch the side of your knee, then do the other side.

For more information, contact us today at Body Sculptors Personal Training

Why Tracking Workouts Is A Smart Idea

Why Tracking Workouts Is A Smart Idea

When you’re ready to get sweaty and workout, anything that slows you down seems like a nuisance. Tracking workouts seem like that, but they can be time-savers and make you more efficient. Tracking your workout can make your workout more effective. It can also identify when it’s not working. It turns your workout into a game and a way to challenge yourself to improve results.

What is tracking?

Tracking can be as simple as making a graph with the names of the exercises at the top and the date down the side. In the square where they intersect, you write the number of reps and sets. You can add other items to your records. You can include factors like how you felt and your endurance, weight, and measurements to provide additional information. If you record your vital statistics like blood pressure, blood sugar levels, cholesterol, and heart rate, it helps if you’re exercising for a health issue.

Tracking your workout shows you what’s working and what’s not.

If you’ve been keeping score and not progressing, it may be time to make a few changes. You wouldn’t know it as soon if you didn’t track your workout. Tracking helps you move more quickly through a workout. Everything is written down so you move quickly from one exercise to another without stopping to think about what’s next or how many reps to do. It helps you push yourself harder to complete each session and get in each set and rep.

You’ll be more motivated when you track your workout.

You’ll be more accountable for exercising because if you don’t, the empty spaces show that. It becomes a game, so sticking with the rules makes it more fun. You’re constantly competing with yourself. When you’re having a few difficult sessions, you can look back at the initial sessions and see all the progress you made. That provides enough inspiration to keep you going when you might otherwise quit.

  • People who track their workouts frequently also track their food intake. Doing both can help you lose weight faster. Many people underestimate how much they eat, but when you record every bite, it’s hard to deny.
  • If you need more motivation, share your results with a friend. One study showed that people who received a phone call once a week to check on their exercise program stuck with it longer when compared to those who didn’t.
  • One reason personal trainers help you get such good results is that they track your progress. It helps them identify areas that need more effort and modifications for increased success.
  • Our trainers at Body Sculptors use science-backed methods to help you reach your goals. They not only create a training plan for you, but they also track it to hold you accountable and identify your success.

For more information, contact us today at Body Sculptors Personal Training

Do Running Shoes Really Matter?

Do Running Shoes Really Matter?

People often take up running because you can do it anywhere, and it isn’t costly. They put on their favorite sneakers from the back of their closet and start. Once people start, they find that getting good running shoes improves their performance, makes running more pleasant, and protects their feet and lower body more. There’s no perfect running shoe for everyone. Shoes made for people with a particular stride won’t be good for someone with a different stride. Studies indicate that some factors make a difference, but more studies are necessary.

Experts disagree on whether shoes can cause or prevent injuries.

There are minimalist shoes, well-cushioned shoes, and everything in between. Some people believe minimalist shoes prevent injury because they put your foot in a position closer to natural running conditions. Others think the more cushioning there is, the more protective the shoe is. Studies show that people with several pairs of shoes possessing different features, who switch them with 60% of the running in their favorite and the rest of the time divided amongst two or three other pairs, had the fewest injuries. It’s because each pair had different benefits that stressed different areas, making stress fractures less likely.

How and where you run and where you run makes a difference.

If you’re running on asphalt and concrete, you’ll need a more durable one with additional cushioning. Running on grass or sand requires less. Getting a shoe that fits well should be your top priority. The shoes should feel comfortable when you run. Sneakers are for general use, walking, jogging, and playing sports. Running shoes are made specifically for running to provide the necessary cushioning and support.

It’s all about your foot and what feels good.

Shoes won’t make you faster. They may make you feel faster or keep you running longer, which helps you improve your speed. If you’re competing, one study showed that increasing the weight of a running shoe by 3.5 ounces reduced performance speed by 1%. If you’ve had foot injuries, getting the right shoe can also make a difference. Don’t get stuck on a brand name or particular style. Your feet change. Instead, focus on how your shoe feels.

  • Sneakers are designed for all types of movement, so the flexibility is right in front of the heel. You’ll notice a big difference when you switch to a running shoe. The flexibility is at the arch in a running shoe since the toes hit the ground first.
  • If you have sneakers that are comfortable and feel good when you run, you can still use them, especially if you don’t run that often. Switch between several pairs of shoes to prevent repetitive strain injuries.
  • When you’re purchasing running shoes, go to a specialty store. They have the equipment and expertise to help you find the shoes best for your feet and gait. They normally have a treadmill in the store, allowing you to try them out.
  • If you’re starting a fitness program and running is part of it, don’t wait for the perfect shoes to start. Use the sneakers or trainers you already have and start running!

For more information, contact us today at Body Sculptors Personal Training

Best Headphones And Earbuds For The Gym

Best Headphones And Earbuds For The Gym

Clients at Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY, use headphones and earbuds at the gym to play their favorite motivating music or listen to their favorite podcasts when at the gym. The concept of motivating music isn’t new. Music has been used for ages to boost intensity and increase endurance during exercise. Studies show that upbeat music with a fast beat improves workouts. There are many types of each. Some are better for casual use or gaming, but which is best for the gym?

Earbuds or headphones? What should you look for in each?

Everyone has their personal preference but finding the best fit takes money and time. Some things to compare when isolating which is best for your needs include portability, ear comfort, sound quality, noise isolation, and heat. Battery life, sweat or water resistance, ease of use, and appearance also play a role. Price is an important factor, but with each, there’s a broad spectrum of prices, so comparing dollar-for-dollar benefits is necessary.

How does each measure up?

Earbuds can fit in your pocket or take up less room in your gym bag. Earbuds are lighter in weight and don’t build heat around the ear. Headphones have a longer battery life and have better sound quality. A good fit is vital, or earbuds fall out, making headphones more stable. Headphones also tend to be more comfortable and durable. Earbuds can be less expensive, depending on the quality and features offered. Which looks best? Earbuds are less noticeable, but headphones can make a fashion statement.

Look for key features and identify your needs.

If you’re using earbuds or headphones for the gym, your choice may differ from someone using them for running. If you choose earbuds, make sure you have a perfect fit. They’ll be more secure and stay in place better than headphones if you do. A good fit is vital for headphones to ensure comfort and stability. Devices rated IPX4 or higher can endure sweat and moisture. Choose devices that block external noise but have a safety feature of hear-through mode. The easier either one is to use, the better.

  • There’s no single best headphones or earbuds for everyone. Your budget, needs, and comfort determine what’s best for you. Price, features, and quality constantly change, so the best today aren’t necessarily the best in three months.
  • If you’ve never used earbuds or headphones previously, there are good quality, budget-friendly ones you can start with to test the benefits they bring. The JLab Audio GO Air POP True Wireless earbuds are one example under $50.
  • Some earbuds are designed specifically for exercising. They have a more secure fit and a higher rating for sweat and water resistance. Start by narrowing it down using those parameters first.
  • Comfort and secure fit should be the leading factors for headphones, with sound quality, active noise cancellation, price, and active noise cancellation also considered.

For more information, contact us today at Body Sculptors Personal Training