How Athletes Can Manage Stress Through Nutrition
Athletes often are nervous right before an event. Sometimes, it continues throughout the endeavor. Being a little tense is good. It’s part of some athletes’ preparation, but once the race, fight, or race begins, it’s time to get down to business. If an athlete can’t manage stress, it can negatively affect their performance. During the competition, additional physical stress comes from pushing the body to the limit. There are multiple strategies available to help. One of those uses nutrition. It can help reduce both mental and physical stress.
Stress can be beneficial and provide a boost in energy for competition.
Getting the jitters before a competition is normal for everyone, whether they play professional football or compete in a chess tournament. The fight-or-flight response is a preservation instinct. There is an optimal point where stress helps the athlete function at their best. It’s rare to see an athlete have too little stress, especially right before their performance. If they do, it can impede the driving force to excellence. A little stress can be helpful to push the athlete toward their best by providing a boost of energy and improved focus. Overstressed athletes don’t function at their best. It impairs their ability to make decisions and decreases their performance.
Dietary advice can help the athlete perform their best and reduce stress to controllable levels.
Athletes can use various dietary strategies for stress management. Maintaining maximum glycogen stores, increasing protein intake throughout the day, and ensuring adequate hydration to prevent excess fluid loss are three. Timing food intake and the balance of macronutrients, which includes pre and post-workout snacks consisting of protein and carbohydrates, is another approach. Newer methods include the supplementation of micronutrients. The most critical factor is using a nutritional combination that addresses the athletes’ needs and keeps them mentally and physically healthy.
Stress can occur due to lack of energy.
Stress isn’t all mental. Physical stress is part of the problem. Ensuring the body has adequate energy can reduce the amount of stress. That assurance comes from timing food intake and choosing the food combinations that provide energy at varying times. Consuming snacks before and after exercise can boost recovery and reduce the physical stress exercise places on the body.
- It takes a delicate balance of protein intake. It’s necessary for recovery, but too much can cause calcium loss and increase the risk of dehydration.
- It takes the perfect balance of calorie intake to calorie output to ensure athletes maintain weight classes. Athletes should focus on nutrition and avoid diets that put undue stress on their bodies.
- Introduce food into the diet that contains natural stress relievers, such as leafy greens, sweet potatoes, and eggs. Eggs contain multiple nutrients, including choline, that help reduce stress. Sweet potatoes reduce cortisol, a stress hormone.
- The diet that fills your nutritional needs and addresses excess stress may contain food like broccoli. Broccoli contains sulforaphane, which has a calming effect and contains multiple vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients.
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