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Fitness & Wellness

Flexibility Exercises For Everyone

People in Louisville, KY, come to Body Sculptors to get fit. Fitness is more than strength. It includes endurance, balance, and flexibility. People often forget balance and flexibility exercises when they don’t use a trainer. They are both vital for good health. Stretching and other exercises that improve flexibility help protect the muscle from injury. They increase the range of motion and help muscles relax to reduce aches and pains.

You might not expect flexibility exercises to boost muscle growth, but it does!

Stretching puts greater force on the muscles, prevents soreness, and promotes muscle growth. One study found it dramatically increased growth in a shorter time frame. Arm circles are stretches for flexibility. They also help increase blood flow to the muscles. Torso twists, lunges, deep squats, and hip circles to relax tight hip muscles also improve muscle growth if done before, during, and after your workout.

Dynamic and static stretches are ones frequently used for flexibility.

Stretching every morning when getting out of bed should be part of your routine. Dynamic stretches prepare the muscles for exercise. Static stretches, like toe touching, are done after the workout when the muscles are warm and stretchy. Lower body flexibility exercises include the forward fold (touching your toes), calf stretch, quad stretch, and lunging hip flexor. Walking lunges are also excellent to help improve flexibility.

Loosen your hip muscles and upper back.

The figure-four stretch can help relieve back and knee pain. It also improves hip flexibility. Lie on your back, feet flat on the floor, and knees bent. Bring up one leg and cross your ankle over the opposite knee. Place your hands behind the knee on the leg with the foot on the floor and pull that leg toward your chest. Lower your leg and reverse sides. Tricep stretches, shoulder stretches, arm circles, and an overhead side stretch help improve upper body flexibility.

  • Yoga poses are good flexibility exercises. If you have a sore back, loosen the muscles by doing a cat-cow pose. Start on your hands and knees with your back arched and head down. Move to the cow position by dropping your belly and raising your head. Alternate between the two several times.
  • Do arm stretches by first crossing them in front of you until they touch your back on the opposite side. Open your arms wide and attempt to touch the tops of your hands together behind you.
  • You can improve flexibility and relieve back pain with this simple stretch. Lay on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Create a loop in a towel by holding one end in each hand. Lift one leg. Put your foot in the loop and pull until the leg straightens.
  • Stretch your body with your hands stretched above your head to lengthen and strengthen it. It helps prevent tight muscles and improves flexibility. Hold your arms out to your side and parallel to the ground. Bend to the side and touch the side of your knee, then do the other side.

For more information, contact us today at Body Sculptors Personal Training

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