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Healthy Eating Habits To Try Today

You may get quick weight loss results by starving yourself for a few weeks, but those results don’t last long once you start eating and return to the habits that put on weight in the first place. For long-lasting results, developing healthy eating habits is necessary. It also makes weight loss easier. You don’t have to miss out on the fun at a birthday. You can have a piece of cake with the others. It’s about your daily food decisions, not the occasional treat.

Avoid food with added sugar and highly processed food.

Focus on eating more whole foods. Those are foods closer to their natural state. Read the ingredients on the label. If it looks like a chemistry experiment, don’t eat it. Choose whole grains over highly processed grains. Whole grains contain the bran, germ, and endosperm. Processed grain only contains the starchy endosperm with few nutrients. You’ll be surprised at how many foods have added sugar. Everything from barbecue sauce and ketchup to white bread and flavored yogurt contains sugar.

Fill your plate with vegetables and eat a big salad first.

Greens contain fiber and are nutrient dense. They’re low in calories and filling. Starting a meal with a multicolored salad and continuing with several servings of vegetables increases your nutrition and fills you without adding calories. Including a healthy fat and source of protein at each meal provides all the macronutrients required. Find ways to increase vegetables and fruit in your diet. You can use them as snacks or for dessert. You can even make a sugar-free sorbet using a ripe banana for sweetening.

One tip that doesn’t require changing your diet is to eat slower.

The first change you make can be simple. Eat mindfully. That means slowing down how fast you consume your meal. Chew your food longer and more mindfully, appreciating the texture and taste as you do. Masticate it until it’s a liquid before you swallow. Part of your digestion takes place in your mouth, so this helps digestion. The slower you eat, the longer your stomach has to signal to the brain that it’s full. You’ll eat less and feel better after a meal.

  • Your beverage choice makes a difference. Instead of fancy coffee, drink your coffee or tea black with no sugar. Opt for cold water instead of soft drinks. You’ll save 100 calories every time you do.
  • Always have healthy snacks ready for mid-afternoon and mid-morning. It can be homemade trail mix, air-popped popcorn, fresh fruit, or vegetables. It fills the void so you aren’t tempted to eat unhealthy snacks or overeating at the next meal.
  • Use low-calorie substitutes that don’t affect the flavor or texture of the dish. Instead of white rice, opt for brown rice or wild rice. Use Greek yogurt instead of sour cream to save a few more calories.
  • Use our meal planning program to help guide the way to healthier eating habits. We create a program based on your needs and preferences. All you have to do is buy the groceries and cook.

For more information, contact us today at Body Sculptors Personal Training

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