Whether you’re the average person who doesn’t exercise, trying to get into shape or at the level of a bodybuilder you need protein, but do you need protein with every meal? Protein is an important macronutrient that you need to build new muscle tissue. If you’re sedentary, you need less protein than someone who is active and the more intense your workout, the more protein you need. How much is enough and when and how often should you consume it?
As long as you’re getting enough protein, the when becomes important.
One study published in the Journal of Nutrition took on that question. It broke the subjects into two groups. Both groups contained 90 grams of protein with the majority of the protein animal based, but they varied by how much protein was eaten at each meal throughout the day. The first group had the protein equally divided, with 30 grams at every meal. The second group ate 10 grams of protein at breakfast, 15 grams at lunch and 65 grams at dinner.
What were the results of the study?
After using muscle biopsy and blood tests to find out how the different division of protein fared, they concluded that over a 24-hour period, the subjects with protein evenly distributed fared better. They increased protein synthesis by 25% over the group that ate most of their protein at one meal. What does that tell the average person? If you’re like most people who often don’t eat protein at breakfast or eat very little, it’s a bad option if you want to build muscle tissue and also not good for metabolic health.
There are ways to get protein on the go.
Eggs are a good source of protein and you can hard-boil them when you have time. They come in their own carrying case, ready to peel and eat. At lunch, you can combine protein with your salad in the form of chicken strips, shrimp or beef. If you’re vegan, add nuts, beans or quinoa. Dinner is the normal time people eat a higher amount of protein, so it’s normally not a problem. Determine how much protein you need based on your age, activity level, gender and weight. Divide it up into three meals, and pre and post workout snacks. Don’t just focus on eating protein at your final meal of the day.
- You should have a protein rich snack after a tough strength-building workout. It helps reduce the recovery time and boosts rebuilding muscle tissue.
- When you consume protein in the morning as part of your breakfast, it can help stabilize your blood sugar levels and boost your energy throughout the day. Protein rich foods also keep you feeling full longer.
- Protein requirements vary dramatically from 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of weight to 1.2 to 1.6 grams of protein daily per kilogram of body weight based on workout intensity.
- Our meal plans can provide the right timing of protein throughout the day so you don’t have to worry whether you’re getting enough or at the right time. Each meal plan is personalized based on your needs and preferences.
For more information, contact us today at Body Sculptors Personal Training