There’s a reason I love working with my clients in Louisville, KY. It’s because of their amazing dedication and enthusiasm when it comes to fitness. That makes my job so much more rewarding and also helps them get fit faster. Just like them, your attitude toward fitness makes all the difference when it comes to getting results. If you dread working out and eating healthy, you’ll find excuses for not doing it. Take a personal inventory of your attitude and look for ways to make it better, even if it’s already good. Below are reasons people give for not getting fit and the logic that can help change their attitude.
If you hate doing the same old thing every workout, you probably don’t have a personal trainer.
One reason people enjoy working out with a personal trainer is they’re sure they’ll never be bored. Trainers provide new workouts frequently. Not only does it keep you from the boredom that can occur, it also helps you lose weight faster. When you do the same movements long enough, your body becomes efficient at them. That means it burns fewer calories, so you won’t lose as much weight. If you’re working out on your own at a box gym where you go from machine to machine and hate every minute of it, it may be time to switch to a personal trainer and workout you enjoy
Getting fit means eating healthy and you feel deprived when you diet.
The key word here is diet. When you eat healthy, you aren’t dieting, but making smarter choices when it comes to food. You’re learning how to pick the foods that are lower in calories but far higher in nutrition. You’ll learn to make simple substitutions, like using Greek yogurt instead of sour cream or eating brown rice instead of white rice. One thing is certain, healthy eating will never leave you feeling deprived or hungry. You can even eat your favorite foods, just not as often and remembering portion control.
You’re too busy to spend time worrying about working out or eating healthy.
One of the most amazing results that comes from a fitness program is the extra energy you have. You’ll be amazed at how you zip through your work and have time to spare. At first, it may be tough to figure out how to fit everything into your schedule, but after a few weeks, you’ll find you have ample time for working out and some time left over for yourself. You’ll bypass that mid morning and mid-afternoon drug out feeling and be able to go at top speed throughout the day.
- If you’re doubtful you’ll be able to succeed and hate to spend the money, just to be disappointed, you need to come to Body Sculptors. We guarantee success or your money back.
- If cost is a problem, don’t worry. Eating healthy doesn’t have to be expensive and our group programs are extremely reasonable.
- If you find that going to the gym after work is just too demanding, try working out in the morning for better results.
- When you finally decide you really want to get into shape, all the excuses and reasons will melt away and you’ll do it!