When you’re ready to get sweaty and workout, anything that slows you down seems like a nuisance. Tracking workouts seem like that, but they can be time-savers and make you more efficient. Tracking your workout can make your workout more effective. It can also identify when it’s not working. It turns your workout into a game and a way to challenge yourself to improve results.
What is tracking?
Tracking can be as simple as making a graph with the names of the exercises at the top and the date down the side. In the square where they intersect, you write the number of reps and sets. You can add other items to your records. You can include factors like how you felt and your endurance, weight, and measurements to provide additional information. If you record your vital statistics like blood pressure, blood sugar levels, cholesterol, and heart rate, it helps if you’re exercising for a health issue.
Tracking your workout shows you what’s working and what’s not.
If you’ve been keeping score and not progressing, it may be time to make a few changes. You wouldn’t know it as soon if you didn’t track your workout. Tracking helps you move more quickly through a workout. Everything is written down so you move quickly from one exercise to another without stopping to think about what’s next or how many reps to do. It helps you push yourself harder to complete each session and get in each set and rep.
You’ll be more motivated when you track your workout.
You’ll be more accountable for exercising because if you don’t, the empty spaces show that. It becomes a game, so sticking with the rules makes it more fun. You’re constantly competing with yourself. When you’re having a few difficult sessions, you can look back at the initial sessions and see all the progress you made. That provides enough inspiration to keep you going when you might otherwise quit.
- People who track their workouts frequently also track their food intake. Doing both can help you lose weight faster. Many people underestimate how much they eat, but when you record every bite, it’s hard to deny.
- If you need more motivation, share your results with a friend. One study showed that people who received a phone call once a week to check on their exercise program stuck with it longer when compared to those who didn’t.
- One reason personal trainers help you get such good results is that they track your progress. It helps them identify areas that need more effort and modifications for increased success.
- Our trainers at Body Sculptors use science-backed methods to help you reach your goals. They not only create a training plan for you, but they also track it to hold you accountable and identify your success.
For more information, contact us today at Body Sculptors Personal Training