It’s easy to eat unhealthy in Louisville, KY. There are many restaurants, bakeries, and delicious temptations everywhere. Clients at Body Sculptures understand that you are what you eat. That doesn’t mean the food is poor quality. It might be expensive. It means it doesn’t contain nutrients but may contain many things that cause harm, like sugar or lard. Filling your body with empty calories that contain little fiber, nutrients, or protein packs on the pounds without providing any benefits.
You eat what your food eats.
If you’re consuming animal products, you’re eating what they eat. If they’re pastured and feed on grass, plants, or insects, they are healthier, and their products, like milk and eggs, are more nutritious. Just look at the yellow yolk of an egg from a pastured hen compared to an egg from a caged hen. Its yolk is a deep, rich color. It also tastes different and is more nutritious. That’s because the animals are living their best life. They are living closer to the way they are supposed to live. The same is true when YOU eat whole foods and avoid food with chemicals, processing, or sugar. You’re living your best life and eating your healthiest.
Your food doesn’t have to be right out of the garden.
Shopping only in the produce department can be expensive. The produce can go bad before you use it. If you’ve ever gotten home and found hidden mold in your container of strawberries, you understand that many of the fresh alternatives have been picked a while back. Frozen fruits and vegetables may be fresher. The processing plant is close to the fields, so they’re picked at prime ripeness. They’re immediately frozen and contain maximum nutrition. Canned foods have slightly fewer nutrients than fresh or frozen. You’ll save money and save time using these two options.
It’s the type of processing that makes a difference.
Manufacturers remove all the good stuff from highly processed flour. The good stuff is the nutrients. Highly processed flour, like white flour, is made from the endosperm. Manufacturers remove the bran and the germ. The endosperm is the starchy part. The germ is the part that contains all the nutrients. It improves heart health, immunity, cellular metabolism, and muscle health. The bran provides fiber that’s necessary for good health. Whole grain flour provides both bran and germ.
- If you want energy, the quick energy of sugar may sound enticing. However, even though it increases rapidly, it drops just as dramatically.
- If you want to maximize nutrition, choose colorful vegetables and fruit. Each color is from a phytonutrient that provides specific benefits to the body.
- If you put sugar in your gas tank, it ruins your car. The same is true of your body when you eat food with added sugar. Sugar negatively affects all parts of the body.
- What you drink also makes a difference. Some drinks, like unsweetened coffee and green tea, contain added benefits. Water is also a good choice. Soft drinks negatively affect the body and add empty calories to your diet.
For more information, contact us today at Body Sculptors Personal Training