Fitness & Wellness

Zero Calorie Energy Drinks

Zero Calorie Energy Drinks

If you come to Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY, you’ll probably see a number of people touting energy drinks, including zero calorie energy drinks. One of my clients asked me which was healthiest and frankly, there are positives and negatives to both types of drinks. Let me first address the zero calorie drinks. These drinks have no added sugar, so they’re lower in calories. That gives them a lead immediately if you’re trying to lose weight.

What zero calorie drinks do have are artificial sweeteners.

There’s a lot of talk about the negative health benefits of artificial sweeteners. In some research, it even suggests they actually may lead to weight gain. There’s a host of research on the safety of artificial sweeteners and a group of people who shouldn’t use them, due to sensitivity and side effects. Some research actually shows that sweeteners like Aspartame can cause headaches and even depression in people with those sensitivities. They also may cause dental erosion, due to a higher acidity.

Choose occasional use, not consistent use.

If you’re using energy drinks to replace good sleep, you’re putting a strain on your body. While occasional use won’t hurt, it’s the repeated daily use that causes problems. Most of these drinks contain more caffeine than a cup of coffee and can lead to digestive issue, heartburn and jitters. Read the label carefully.

Whether its zero calorie or full calorie, always read the label to see benefits and drawbacks.

Some energy drinks tout other ingredients that are supposed to help mental focus, like CoQ10 or super creatine. Normally this is just a marketing ploy, since the amounts in the drink are too low to create any improvement. The nutritional content should also be compared. Some will have higher amounts of vitamin B3, B6, B12 or vitamin C and minerals. The amount of sodium is particularly important, so compare those also.

  • If you’re working out to help your health, including lowering your blood pressure, be aware that some energy drinks are extremely high in sodium. One can may contain as much as 150 mg.
  • Getting adequate sleep is the best option for energy, but if you’re drinking an energy drink to make your workout better, consider a cup of coffee instead. If you drink it for more energy, try water. You’ll be surprised at what a good pick-me-up it is.
  • Be aware that over consumption of anything isn’t healthy, including energy drinks. Limit yourself and use both regular and zero calorie drinks only occasionally.
  • At Body Sculptors, we can help you boost your energy with both a healthy diet and a program of regular exercise. You’ll feel the difference in no time and won’t feel the need for energy drinks.

Contact us today at Body Sculptors Personal Training

Changing Your Oil Habits

Changing Your Oil Habits

Everyone that cooks has oil habits. That means everyone has a go-to oil they use all the time, regardless of the heat used to cook or even the recipe used. For some people, it’s corn oil, for others, olive oil or even clarified butter. If your grandparents are alive, they may tell you that their grandmother saved bacon grease and pork fat to cook with and called it lard. Is there a single type of oil that’s best for all types of cooking?

The amount of heat you’re using should make a difference.

Not all oil has the same smoke point. A smoke point is the amount of heat you can use with the oil, before it breaks down and burns. Not only going beyond the smoke point alter the taste, it affects the nutritional value of the oil. Low smoke point oil is butter and should only be used at low heat—300 to 350 degrees. Between 375 and 450 degrees are oils like extra virgin olive oil. Vegetable oil, canola oil, corn oil, grapeseed, safflower oil and sunflower oil are varieties to use with high heat—higher than 450 degrees, since they don’t lose flavor or burn.

While lard may not be your oil option, it’s far better than consuming the trans fats of shortening.

Partially hydrogenated oil is called vegetable shortening may still contain trans fats depending on the manufacturer. It’s always best to avoid any type of oil that lists partially hydrogenated vegetable oil and trans fats. Instead, opt for olive oil, coconut oil, butter or even lard—which has no trans fats. While some of the oil options contain saturated fat—like lard—others do not. These include canola, corn olive, peanut, safflower, soybean and sunflower.

Not all oil produces the same flavor or has the same benefits.

If you love how sesame oil changes the flavor of your favorite homemade dressing, you’ll appreciate the health benefits of it too. It is high in antioxidants, has anti-inflammatory properties, helps arthritis, aids in blood sugar control, heart healthy and speeds healing of wounds and burns. Olive oil is extremely healthy which includes high in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties, is heart healthy and helps prevent strokes, among other things. Coconut oil is another super oil known for its healthy fatty acids.

  • Choosing the right type of oil doesn’t have to be distressing. Find the flavor you love for each smoke point and stick with it.
  • Do you want more flavorful oil. Try herbal flavored oil, like olive oil thyme infused olive oil. There’s a whole world of flavor created by infusing various oils.
  • The qualities of some oil makes them best for baking, sautéing, frying or salad dressing. Coconut or canola oil is good for baking, while sautéing is best with peanut oil, and sesame oil. If you’re making dressing, the go-to is normally extra-virgin olive oil or flaxseed.
  • One of the newer oils being used is avocado oil. It’s got many of the same virtues as coconut oil, but not as much saturated fat. It has a high smoke point, but also a high price range. If you’re on a budget, opt for a different oil.

Contact us today at Body Sculptors Personal Training

Is There Anything Wrong With Canned Veggies?

Is There Anything Wrong With Canned Veggies?

If you think that eating healthy can be too expensive, since fresh fruit and vegetables can cost a lot, reconsider. Healthy options don’t always have to be fresh. Both frozen and canned veggies can be nutritious, but you have to read the label and see all the ingredients, particularly on the canned vegetables. Some canned vegetables contain high amounts of sodium and it’s a known fact that too much sodium can cause hypertension, which leads to stroke, heart disease and kidney disease.

Canned fruits and vegetables have just as many nutrients as fresh.

The canning process today is quite different than years ago. Today, canned vegetables are picked at their ripest and canned within a few hours. That means they not only have peak flavor, they are also more nutritious than some of the fresh alternatives at the grocery. The same is true of frozen. Fresh options may be picked early to extend shelf life and allowed to ripen on the way to the grocery. By the time the consumer buys them and then finally prepares them, they’re days, not hours off the vine, losing many nutrients.

The heat from canning does destroy some nutrients.

Besides the added salt in some canned vegetables or added sugar in some fruit, the heat from the canning process does decrease vitamins B and C. Not all vegetables retain their texture after processing, such as asparagus. That can lead to passing on them at the supper table. When it comes to safety, that heat does eliminate the possibility of E.Coli and other bacteria. Modern canning techniques eliminate almost all potential for botulism.

You’ll save money by using frozen or canned vegetables.

Frozen options are slightly less expensive than their fresh counterparts, but more economical since they don’t spoil quickly like their fresh counterparts. They help eliminate waste. Canned food is a lot less expensive than fresh options. They too have a long shelf life and are a great way to save money, while eating healthier.

  • BPA lining on cans holding fruits and vegetables have come into question, so many manufacturers have switched to a different type of lining that has no potential health issues.
  • If you want to lower the sodium content of canned vegetables even more, drain the juice and rinse with water. It will cut it substantially.
  • Only use canned fruit packed in its own juice. It’s a healthy option as long as there’s no added sugar. You can add canned fruit and nuts to Greek yogurt for a healthy dessert or snack.
  • If you want a quick dip, keep canned garbanzo beans or northern beans in the can in the cupboard. Just put them in the blender, add some garlic and lemon juice and you’ll have a healthy, low cost dip.

Contact us today at Body Sculptors Personal Training

365 New Chances To Start

365 New Chances To Start

People in Louisville, KY, are special, but like people all over the world, often wait until the new year starts to make those resolutions to get fit. In fact, the first month of the year is often the busiest. If you meant to start getting fit, but life made it impossible for you to begin that first week, that doesn’t mean you can’t start now. In fact, you have 365 new chances to start. Instead of calling it a resolution, make it a goal that you’re determined to achieve.

There’s no better time to start than today.

Every day you wake up, it’s a new day and you’re capable of doing something different from every day that came before it. Maybe you’ve never considered getting fit or tried before and failed. Your past does not dictate your future. You can change anything, but you have to make that decision and then take action. Anything that’s accomplished begins with the decision to do it and followed through with effort to get it done. Weight loss is no different.

It’s the little things that count.

If you aren’t ready for a full blown fitness program, start by making small changes. Take the stairs rather than the elevator. If you are really out of shape, just take a few floors of steps and use the elevator the rest of the way or start by taking the stairs down, which most people find easier than running up stairs. Move more frequently. Start taking walks and carry manageable bags from the grocery rather than using a cart. When commercials are on TV, get up and do a few exercises. You’ll start to feel better and be ready for a complete program quickly.

Start a healthier way of eating.

Eating health is not dieting. In fact, it’s far from it. Healthy eating simply means making smarter choices when it comes to food. When you diet, it always ends, whether in success or failure. Healthy eating never ends. Dieting means sacrifice by eating less and feeling deprived. You won’t feel deprived when you choose the path of healthy eating. In fact, you might find you eat even more. It’s making small changes that boost your nutrition, while also lowering your caloric intake.

  • You can start a program of healthy eating by simply giving up food with added sugar. It might seem simple, but once your realize almost everything has added sugar, you’ll realize it all gets back to eating whole foods and fewer processed food.
  • You don’t have to leave your house to get fit. Try our online workout program. You can get started immediately in the privacy of your home.
  • If you aren’t sure what healthy eating is all about, we provide aps that let you download a weekly menu and all you have to do is shop. We even have an online workout ready for you to start and it costs less than $10 a week for both.
  • Fitness also depends on simple things, like adequate intake of water and plenty of sleep. Make sure you drink eight 8-oz glasses of water a day and get eight hours of sleep each night.

For more information, contact us today at Body Sculptors Personal Training 

Believe You Can Do It And You're Halfway There

Believe You Can Do It And You’re Halfway There

One of the biggest deterrents people face when they want to achieve any goal is lack of belief that they can do it. The power of belief is important, whether you’re developing a business, focusing on fitness or simply want to feel better. Belief in a doctor or medicine is half the cure and so is belief in yourself when you want to accomplish a goal. If you believe you can do it, you’re halfway there to conquering your goal.

Are you afraid to try?

One of the reasons people fail to believe in themselves is that they’re afraid of the results. Sometimes, they’re afraid they’ll fail again and failure certainly doesn’t feel good. If that’s you, think of Thomas Edison’s quotes, two of which are my favorites. “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” The only failure is lack of trying. Don’t let fear get in your way.

You need to believe that change is good if it makes you healthier.

People often sabotage themselves or people they love if they think something will change the dynamics in their life. If you’re worried what will happen if you look and feel better, change your focus to having a higher energy level. Focus on what won’t scare you or face it with the knowledge that you actually control how you feel and looking better won’t change a thing except your energy and health. Find out what stops you from believing in yourself and address it.

The power of belief can help you achieve fitness or block you.

Everyone has a belief system that guides the through life. If you’re a mom, you may think that doing something for yourself is selfish and all your free time should be devoted to your family. If that’s part of your belief system, stop right there. YOU OWE IT TO YOUR FAMILY TO BE FIT AND HEALTHY. Staying fit means you have more energy and time to devote to them. It also means you’ll be a better role model.

  • Do you have family members that put you down when you tell them about your fitness program? Don’t tell them. Our apps let you change your eating habits and workout in the privacy of your home. Only you have to know.
  • Are you worried that you might injure yourself because you’re so out of shape? It’s one reason we create a workout that’s personalized. Take it easier when you start and you won’t suffer from sore muscles that make you quit.
  • Schedule your workout at the same time every day and make it an appointment. If you’re changing your eating habits, get rid of food that’s sabotaging your efforts and stock up on healthy snacks.
  • Become the role model for your children and family. If you’re the family cook, don’t tell everyone it’s healthy, just cook and serve healthy meals. Get the kids involved when you exercise and get them in the habit of moving more.

For more information, contact us today at Body Sculptors Personal Training 

Exercises For Lower Back Pain

Exercises For Lower Back Pain

No matter where you live, Louisville, KY, or any other town or city, lower back pain can cause you to miss work and suffer from pain doing the simplest things. It’s hard to lift anything, move a few feet or do the simplest task. Even sleep alludes you when you suffer from this condition. Lower back pain can be caused by inactivity, prolonged sitting or simply turning the wrong way. Improving circulation in the area is imperative to recover. That’s why lower back pain exercises can help bring relief.

It’s easier to prevent back pain than to cure it.

If you’ve ever felt the pain from a back injury, you know how disabling it can be. If you’re prone to back pain, it’s better to start a regimen of back pain exercises before you have another problem, than to wait for it to arrive. Anyone with a sedentary job knows how stiff and achy the back can get. For those people, stretching frequently and moving at least five minutes of every hour is important. A standing extension stretch provides relief and a short break from sitting. Stand with feet at shoulders width, then put your hands at the top of the hips with the tips of the fingers in the small of the back. Lean backward, arching your back until you feel it stretch. Hold and return to starting position and then repeat several times.

If you feel your back pain begin, don’t head for the bed, head for the floor instead.

When lower back pain begins, stopping it as quickly as you can, is important. This quick exercise will help stretch the muscles and bring relief. You need a towel to do this. Lay on the floor holding a towel, one end in each hand. Put your feet flat on the floor, bending the knees. Create a loop with the towel and lift one leg, putting the sole of the foot in the loop. Gently pull the towel toward you, attempting to straighten your leg as you do, trying to make it perpendicular to your body. If you can’t, straighten it as much as you can. Lower your leg and do the other side.

Stay on your back on the floor for another exercise.

While you’re laying on your back, bring your knees straight up and put your hands above your head. Rock your knees from side to side to loosen your back and warm it up. Each time you rock, rock your legs a little further until you can lower your legs on each side without lifting your shoulders from the floor. Once you’ve touched your outer knee on the floor on one side, slowly go back to starting position and touch the outer knee of the other leg on the other side.

  • Muscle relaxers and pain medication used to be the treatment advised. The high increase in pain medication addiction and side effects have severely limited its use. Exercise not only brings relief, the only side effects are a healthier body.
  • Cat poses can relax your lower back. Get on your hands and knees. Arch your back like an angry cat with your head facing downward. Inhale, relax, exhale and drop your abdomen toward the floor as you lift your head, changing your body position from a convex curve to a concave one.
  • Simply pulling one knee at a time toward your chest can help bring relief. You keep the other leg extended as you do this stretch. Return to neutral position with both legs extended and do it on the other leg.
  • To avoid future problems, build stronger abdominal muscles and back muscles. When your abdominal muscles are strong, it helps remove the pressure from the back.

For more information, contact us today at Body Sculptors Personal Training 

It's Time To Push Through The Plateau

It’s Time To Push Through The Plateau

One of the biggest problems with losing weight, especially if you’re working out on your own, is plateauing. The best way to deal with a plateau is to avoid it in the first place. You can push through the plateau if it occurs and knowing what caused it helps. Plateauing occurs when the body becomes efficient at making the moves of an exercise. It happens when you don’t vary your workout enough. As a trainer, I vary clients workouts enough so your body is always working at maximum.

Initially, losing weight is easier.

No matter what your workout program, the longer you do it, the harder it is to lose weight. Think about it. If you’ve lost weight, going from 170 pounds to 140 pounds, you’re carrying 30 fewer pounds around everywhere you go. Even if you’re burning more calories because you have more muscle tissue, your body still won’t be working as hard. It’s like carrying a 30 pound weight around for months and then putting it down. You simply won’t work as hard. Your body will require fewer calories. That’s one reason many people suggest your weight loss goal be a percentage of your body weight.

What if you’ve switched out your workout and doing everything right, but still are plateauing

No matter how hard you workout and how much you change your workout, if you’re not seeing progress, maybe there’s another problem or no real problem at all. The scales sometimes lie. That’s right. They may say that you aren’t making progress when you really are. Remember, muscle tissue weighs more per cubic inch than fat tissue does. It’s like comparing metal with feathers. The container holding a pound of feathers will definitely be bigger. If you haven’t lost weight, but find your clothing is now looser or way too big, you’ve lost inches! That’s also progress.

If your workout is varied and you’re not losing inches or weight, there’s another problem.

Sometimes, people forget all the food they eat throughout the day. Maybe it’s something as simple as grabbing a few M&Ms as you walk by the candy dish or you’re not counting what you drink. Soft drinks have calories, too. Even if you opt for diet soft drinks, while it doesn’t have an effect on your weight, studies show that people who drink them end up with more abdominal fat. Scrutinize your eating habits carefully and see if there are hidden calories you’re not counting.

  • Never give up. Each person is different. Not everyone’s body has the same time schedule for weight loss. Sometimes, there’s a difference based on when you weigh yourself. There are daily fluctuations in weight, too.
  • Don’t focus as much on how much you lose, but more in the joy of losing it. Feel how great it is to be able to move comfortably through the exercises and notice how your endurance, flexibility and strength has improved. Enjoy the moment and know the weight will come off if you keep it up.
  • Make sure you’re tracking yourself when you workout and tracking what you eat. Remember, portion control is also important. If you’re working out with a trainer, he or she probably will find out the cause with a few questions or modify your workout.
  • Keep active even if you’re not working out. Park further from the store and walk. Take the stairs. Ride your bike to the store or walk, rather than take a car if you’re close. You’ll save gas and get more exercise.

For more information, contact us today at Body Sculptors Personal Training

Build Muscles The Natural Way

Build Muscles The Natural Way

If you’ve ever been to Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY, you know we have an entire program to build muscles with exercise and a healthy diet. You may read ads about pills that help you bulk up or lose weight, but many of these supplements are either unhealthy, such as steroids, or basically useless for weight loss or building muscles unless you have nutritional deficiencies. The right type of training and diet can help you reach your goal, whether it’s changing fat to muscle or bulking up.

No matter what your goal, building muscles takes an exercise program.

There are no shortcuts to building muscles. However, working out for hours won’t do the trick either. Focusing on the intensity and the quality of the workout and how well it matches your fitness level and goals is what’s important. Your workout, especially if it’s intense, shouldn’t go over an hour. HIIT—high intensity interval training—varies the speed of the workout and circuit training limits the rest between exercises. Both are good for building muscles. You should focus on building strength, which is easy to use as a goal and far easier to measure.

Getting the most out of each workout is important.

Compound exercises, ones that work several muscle groups and joints, give you the most bang for your exercise time. Strength training is at the core of building muscle tissue. You need to vary your workout to ensure you’re building all muscle groups and improving strength on all planes. Bodyweight exercises are the easiest to use at home, since they require no equipment. Kettlebells, resistance bands and/or weights are also good for muscle building and should be part of your program. Rest a day or two between workouts to ensure you give your muscles a chance to heal. Training three times a week is enough. The exercises cause microtears in the muscle and the healing process is what makes them bigger.

The real magic occurs when you include a healthy, muscle building diet.

No matter how hard you workout, you’ll never lose weight without a healthy diet. You may build muscles, but nobody will be able to see them since they’ll be covered by a layer of fat. Eat more frequently if you’re naturally thin and everyone should have a schedule of five to six meals. Eat one to three hours before you workout and within an hour after finishing. Before you workout, it can be something as simple as a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or a handful of trail mix. If you don’t have an hour before working out, a banana is perfect. Afterward, a small meal with protein and carbs will do, such as a whole grain turkey wrap.

  • You can alternate your workout working upper body one day and lower body the next if you want to get more exercise time in without over-exercising.
  • Increase the number of reps you do every three to four weeks and vary your workout to avoid plateauing.
  • Get adequate sleep at night. Not only do your muscles need that sleep to heal, you’ll also find your workout more productive when you’re well rested.
  • Make sure you hydrate frequently, especially if your workout is tough. Before you exercises, drink 16 ounces of water. As you exercise, keep a cup of water on hand and sip every 20 minutes or as you get thirsty. Follow up your exercise with another 16 ounces of water.

For more information, contact us today at Body Sculptors Personal Training

Why Adding Exercise Boosts Your Weight Loss

Why Adding Exercise Boosts Your Weight Loss

You can’t beat a healthy diet if you want to lose weight. In fact, no matter how much you exercise, you won’t shed a pound if you’re eating a lot of high calorie junk food. However, exercise boosts your weight loss. Weight loss isn’t magic. It’s all about math. If you eat 3500 fewer calories than you expend, you lose one pound. While exercise burns a lot of calories, you’d have to workout for over two hours to burn off a Big Mac meal. To work off the calories in a white chocolate crème Frappuccino from Starbucks, you’ll have to go at high intensity for 50 minutes. You can see that, while exercise helps, eating healthy is top priority.

When you exercise, you’ll give your metabolism a boost.

While diet is important, you really need exercise to help take off weight and keep it off. When you use diet alone, the weight you lose isn’t always just fat. You can lose lean muscle tissue, too. Exercise not only helps burn calories but also builds muscle tissue. The more muscle tissue you have, the higher your metabolism is. That’s because muscle tissue also requires more energy for maintenance than fat tissue does. It means you’ll be burning more calories 24/7 and have more energy to be more active and burn extra calories, too.

Stress can mean belly fat.

That’s right! The hormones of stress, cortisol in particular, are associated with abdominal fat. When you workout, you’re burning off the stress hormones that cause the fight or flight response. It does more than that. It helps you relax, boosts your overall mood and makes you feel good. It can eliminate the need for stress eating and comfort food. Comfort food often includes high calorie things like ice cream, while stress eating may include crunchy food like potato chips. You can see that eliminating those can be a huge benefit.

Why do you want to lose weight? You want to look thinner, of course.

Sometimes, the scales aren’t the ultimate answer when you’re measuring your success. Sometimes, it’s inches, rather than weight. Exercise builds muscle tissue. Muscle tissue weighs more per cubic inch than fat tissue does. A container holding a pound of fat would have to be bigger than one containing a pound of muscle tissue. It’s lie comparing a container to hold a pound of steel to a pound of feathers. When you exercise, even if you don’t lose one ounce, you’ll still be thinner as your body builds muscle tissue. That’s the ultimate goal, isn’t it?

  • What’s the best type of exercise? While aerobic exercise burns loads of calories, but those calories come from both fat and muscle tissue. Strength training also burns calories, while also building muscle tissue that boosts your metabolism.
  • The body has two hormones that control appetite, ghrelin—the hunger hormone and leptin—the one that makes you feel full. Exercise reduces the amount of ghrelin the body makes.
  • The longer you do your workout routine, the more efficient the body becomes and the fewer calories it burns. That’s why varying your workout regularly can help prevent plateauing.
  • Exercise increases your energy level, so you’ll be more active even when you’re not working out in the gym. That means you’ll burn more calories even when you’re not trying.

For more information, contact us today at Body Sculptors Personal Training