
Fitness & Wellness

Do Running Shoes Really Matter?

People often take up running because you can do it anywhere, and it isn’t costly. They put on their favorite sneakers from the back of their closet and start. Once...

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Fitness & Wellness

Best Headphones And Earbuds For The Gym

Clients at Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY, use headphones and earbuds at the gym to play their favorite motivating music or listen to their favorite podcasts when at the gym....

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Fitness & Wellness

Workout Routines For New Moms

Most new moms in Louisville, KY, are too exhausted in the first few weeks to workout and not ready for a traditional routine. For the first six weeks, your body...

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Fitness & Wellness

Healthy Eating Habits To Try Today

You may get quick weight loss results by starving yourself for a few weeks, but those results don’t last long once you start eating and return to the habits that...

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Fitness & Wellness

The Best Workouts For Depression

Many therapists now prescribe a workout as an adjunct therapy for depression and anxiety. It works better than many medications. Exercise lifts your mood and builds a stronger body without...

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Fitness & Wellness

The Best Foods For Mental Health

You’ve probably heard the phrase, “You are what you eat.” In many ways that’s true. The food you consume can affect your cognitive functioning and mental health. The food you...

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Fitness & Wellness

Health Benefits Of Dark Chocolate

At Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY, we focus on helping you get healthier so you get more out of life. One way is to eat healthier. You can do that...

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Fitness & Wellness

Alcohol And Weight Gain

If you’re gaining weight and it is causing so much frustration that you consider drinking more alcohol, think again. That alcohol may be exactly what’s causing your weight gain. A...

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Fitness & Wellness

You Are What You Eat

It’s easy to eat unhealthy in Louisville, KY. There are many restaurants, bakeries, and delicious temptations everywhere. Clients at Body Sculptures understand that you are what you eat. That doesn’t...

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Fitness & Wellness

Don’t Forget Your Water Bottle

Keeping a bottle of water with you is good advice, especially during the summer. Even mild dehydration can cause your energy to slip away. Your body is mostly fluid. Your...

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Fitness & Wellness

What Are Your Summer Goals

Spring and summer are the times for growth and renewal. If you haven’t made goals this spring, it’s time to start on summer goals. It’s the best time to create...

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Fitness & Wellness

Natural Pain Relief That Works

There are many reasons not to take OTC pain relievers like NSAIDs such as ibuprofen or anti-inflammatories like aspirin. If you take them frequently, they can affect your health. Aspirin...

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Fitness & Wellness

Natural Ways To Fight Aging

Most people in Louisville, KY, understand that getting older is natural and desirable. It means you lived another year, month, or day. Aging is quite different. Aging affects the cells,...

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Fitness & Wellness

Is It Better To Eat Veggies Raw Or Cooked?

When people think of increasing the veggies in their diet they picture adding more raw vegetables to their salad or smoothie and often ignore cooked ones. Most people feel that...

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Fitness & Wellness

Should I Push Myself Or Pace Myself?

We offer diversified workouts at Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY, because everyone is different. Some people like to push themselves. Their program will differ from people who prefer or have...

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Fitness & Wellness

Benefits Of Green Tea

What you drink is just as important as what you eat when it comes to health benefits. If you drink soft drinks regularly, consider switching to green tea. Don’t add...

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Fitness & Wellness

Is Yoga Good For Anxiety?

Many therapists now use exercises as an adjunct therapy. Studies show that it helps speed progress toward reducing depression and anxiety. Exercise is as beneficial as some medications and has...

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Fitness & Wellness

Best Workouts To Build Muscle

At Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY, we help people become their fittest and reach their fitness goals. We include all types of fitness, strength-building, endurance, balance, and flexibility. Many clients...

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Fitness & Wellness

Yoga Benefits You Haven’t Heard Before Now

You might wonder why a gym that uses traditional exercises to help people get into shape would include an article about yoga. It’s because we want you to be your...

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Fitness & Wellness

Foods You Should Be Avoiding For Weight Loss

If your goal is weight loss, you have to cut calories and eat healthier food. That’s why we provide all the information you need to learn how to create healthier...

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Fitness & Wellness

Can I Burn More Calories Without Exercising?

Some people in Louisville, KY, would prefer not to exercise or don’t for other reasons. They often look for ways to burn more calories without exercising. You may wonder if...

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Fitness & Wellness

Let Your New Fitness Journey Begin

How do you begin a fitness journey? By putting one foot in front of the other and getting started. Some people hate to plan and go forward, eventually stopping either...

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Fitness & Wellness

Want To Be Faster? Here’s How You Can Do It.

Learning to run faster starts with the proper form. Like any exercise, your form counts. It affects muscle pulls and your speed. It makes every movement more efficient. That leads...

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Fitness & Wellness

Are You Ready To Chisel?

If you want to get chiseled in Louisville, KY, come to Body Sculptors/ Our personal trainers will help you do it. Getting chiseled takes more than building strong, impressive muscles....

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Fitness & Wellness

How To Perform A Perfect Squat

At Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY, we focus on all types of exercise. Every exercise provides more benefits and prevents injury when you do it right. That includes bodyweight exercises...

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Fitness & Wellness

Easy Meals You Can Eat Anytime Of The Day

Getting fit isn’t always easy. There are so many foods that are quick, but not healthy. Think Pop-Tarts and pizza rolls, for instance. You don’t have to succumb to the...

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Fitness & Wellness

Tips To Stay In Shape With A Busy Lifestyle

It’s hard to stay in shape when you have a busy lifestyle. It seems like everything tugs on your time and you have none left to exercise. You’re always eating...

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Fitness & Wellness

Weird Foods You Should Actually Be Eating

What you might think of as weird foods are considered daily fare by others. Modern transportation and packaging have allowed some local treasures to become international. Eating some of these...

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Fitness & Wellness

Healthy Meal Ideas For Those On A Budget

Eating healthier meals doesn’t have to be expensive. The cost of fast food and junk food is rising faster than nutritious food and often more expensive. You can have delicious...

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Fitness & Wellness

Is It Possible To Stay Healthy During The Holidays?

The holidays in Louisville, KY, can be quite hectic, making it difficult to stay healthy. What are the keys to maintaining good health? A good diet, regular exercise, plenty of...

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Fitness & Wellness

Is Diet Soda Better Than Regular Soda?

If you switched to diet soda from regular soda to save calories and protect your health, you may have only done one of the two. Diet soda is lower in...

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Fitness & Wellness

Machines Vs Free Weights

You get the benefits of using both machines and free weights at Body Sculptors. Both provide the benefits of building strength that benefits your body in many ways, including building...

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Fitness & Wellness

Are Carbs Bad For Your Health?

There is a lot of buzz in Louisville, KY, about giving up carbs to lose weight and be healthier. The truth is that carbs are necessary for your health. They...

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Exercise, Fitness & Wellness

Natural Remedies For Sleeping Better

If you listen to pharmaceutical commercials, you probably think there’s a pill for everything. At the end of every commercial, the announcer speaks rapidly in a soft, unemotional voice about...

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Exercise, Fitness & Wellness

How To Lose Body Fat And Preserve Muscle Mass

It’s possible to lose body fat and preserve muscle mass. To lose weight, you have to eat fewer calories than you burn. The body doesn’t differentiate where it gets those...

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Exercise, Fitness & Wellness

How Many Calories Are Burned During Each Workout?

Predicting the number of calories burned during a workout isn’t easy. Each person is different. The calories they burn doing the same exercises as someone else will vary by age,...

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Fitness, Fitness & Wellness

The Importance Of Stretching

If you don’t realize the importance of stretching and do a short session during your warm-up, you’ll probably find yourself injured or have a less productive workout. When you exercise...

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Exercise, Fitness & Wellness

How To Get Started With Strength Training

All types of exercise are necessary to be your fittest, cardio, flexibility, balance, and strength training. Each type of fitness requires different training. Some are easier to start than others....

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Exercise, Fitness & Wellness

Why It Is Important To Have A Regular Exercising Schedule?

Do you want to be a better pianist? Practice every day. If you want to be a better writer, write every day. The same is true of exercise. It’s even...

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Fitness & Wellness, Nutrition

Nutrition Tips For Seniors

One of the leading causes of poor health is inadequate nutrition. It can occur no matter what your age, but for seniors is more prevalent. There are many reasons for...

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Fitness, Fitness & Wellness

Exercises To Improve Posture

If you have chronic back pain, headaches, and body aches, the problem can come from poor posture. Exercise can help. Bad posture can disrupt your digestion and affect your entire...

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Exercise, Fitness & Wellness

The Role Of Gut Health In Weight Loss

If you want to lose weight, we’ll help you at Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY. We address all aspects of weight loss, including diet and exercise. A healthy diet and...

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Exercise, Nutrition

Reasons Why People Shouldn’t Go Vegan

There’s nothing wrong with being vegan if you know how to create a well-balanced diet and have the will to get past the restrictions. Those people consuming a strict vegan...

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Fitness, Nutrition

Can Intermittent Fasting Lead To The Development Of An Eating Disorder?

What is intermittent fasting—IF—and can it lead to an eating disorder? IF is not a specific diet, but a way of scheduling meals. It can be as strict as fasting...

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Exercise, Nutrition

Are All Calories Created Equal?

Clients at Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY, understand that cutting calories can help you lose weight. They even understand that some foods are healthier than others. I’m lucky to have...

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Exercise, Lifestyle

Strength Training Benefits As You Get Older

As people age, they often focus on endurance and do some type of aerobic exercise to improve it. They also may include stretching in their daily exercise routine. Far fewer...

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Exercise, Nutrition

How Grains Affect Your Health

What are grains? They are seeds designed for plant reproduction. They are also an integral part of a healthy diet and help you maintain good health. There are downsides to...

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Exercise, Fitness

How To Burn Fat And Keep It Off

In Louisville, KY, people are searching for easy ways to burn fat and keep it off. It’s not just a local phenomenon, it occurs everywhere. Some quick fix programs help...

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The Benefits Of Eating More Protein

You need to eat adequate protein to ensure your body is working at peak performance and has all the building blocks necessary. One of the many benefits of eating more...

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Mindset, Nutrition

How To Stop Feeling Guilty About Overeating

People who overeat consistently use food to cope with negative feelings. They stuff down those feelings with food. If overeating is followed by feeling guilty, it adds another negative emotion,...

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Lifestyle, Mindset, Nutrition

How Not To Gain Weight On A Cruise

Even though Louisville, KY, is one of the nicest places to be, sometimes it’s fun to get away from it. People often find taking a cruise is a perfect way....

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Exercise, Fitness & Wellness, Nutrition

How To Start A Low Carb Diet

In recent years, the low carb diet has gained popularity. Even though eating healthier is a simpler solution that doesn’t require calorie or carb counting, it’s true that carb counting...

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Exercise, Fitness & Wellness, Lifestyle, Nutrition

Healthy Habits = Healthy Life

Living a healthy life in Louisville, KY, is all about having healthy habits. It isn’t about eating a salad once in a while or buying a gym membership and using...

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Exercise, Nutrition

Diet And Nutrition For Constipation

Your diet dictates the nutrients your body receives, but it also affects other areas of your health besides nutrition. It can cause digestive issues, like diarrhea and constipation. Constipation is...

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Exercise, Fitness, Fitness & Wellness

What’s The Difference Between Portion Size And Serving Size?

Whether you’re eating in a restaurant or at home, portion sizes will vary. However, it doesn’t matter where you eat, at home in Louisville, KY, or in a restaurant in...

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Exercise, Fitness, Fitness & Wellness

Are Personal Trainers Worth It?

Many people who use personal trainers are either just starting a fitness program or have tried on their own and failed. However, that doesn’t mean that those with more experience...

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Exercise, Fitness, Fitness & Wellness

How Many Times A Week Should I Do Cardio?

The number of times per week that you do cardio all depends on you. The US Department of Health and Human Services suggests you get from 150 to 300 minutes...

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Fitness, Fitness & Wellness, Nutrition

How Salt Might Affect Your Weight Loss

If your resolution is to lose weight, think twice about grabbing that salt shaker at every meal. It can affect your goal of weight loss. Most people realize that consuming...

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Fitness, Fitness & Wellness, Nutrition

What To Know About Keto

While we don’t necessarily recommend a keto diet at Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY, but instead provide an easier route that’s personalized and doesn’t require calorie or carb counting, there...

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Fitness & Wellness, Lifestyle, Nutrition

Will Hormones Make You Gain Weight?

Many times when you hear people complain that they can’t lose weight, it’s because they aren’t following the program. Either they ignore the calories they consume either at meals or...

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Exercise, Fitness, Supplements

Pros And Cons Of Supplements

It seems like there are supplements for everything from building muscles to improving your memory. Are these supplements any good and are there dangers to taking supplements? There are both...

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Fitness & Wellness, Lifestyle, Motivation

How To Stay Motivated As A Beginner

It’s January and that means all those New Year’s resolutions have started. By now, many have also ended. I see it in Louisville, KY, people start a fitness regimen as...

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Fitness & Wellness, Mindset, Motivation

Meal Plan And Hit Your Goals!

I hear it all the time. Clients who want to lose weight, boost their health or increase their energy level, come to me and say they’re struggling. I tell them...

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Fitness, Fitness & Wellness, Nutrition

Table Salt Vs Sea Salt

If you’ve spent much time comparing grocery prices in Louisville, KY, you probably notice there’s a big difference in price between table salt and specialty salt like pink Himalayan Sea...

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Fitness & Wellness, Nutrition

Can Garlic Help Lower My Blood Pressure?

Eating garlic is widely known as a way to help control blood pressure, but is that fact or fiction? If it lowers blood pressure is the change significant and worth...

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Fitness & Wellness, Inspiration, Nutrition

The Best Foods For Anti-Aging

Who wouldn’t want to look their best and for some people, that also means looking younger. You can improve your appearance in a lot of ways, but doing it naturally...

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Fitness & Wellness, Lifestyle, Nutrition

How Much Protein Do We Actually Need?

A lot of the newer diets focus on bumping up the protein intake. It’s true that if you’re trying to lose weight, protein will fill you up and cutting back...

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Fitness, Fitness & Wellness, Nutrition, Supplements

Are Multivitamins Useful?

There’s a lot of variety of multivitamins on the shelves of pharmacies, so you might think they’re the most useful health benefit available. That isn’t exactly true. If you’re in...

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Fitness, Fitness & Wellness, Lifestyle, Motivation

How Often Should You Go To The Gym As A Beginner?

When someone is a beginner, at Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY, there are a lot of variations on how much time is spent in the gym. Some people come every...

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Fitness & Wellness, Lifestyle, Supplements

Can Vitamin B6 Help Reduce Anxiety?

All people feel anxiety at one time or another. Sometimes, it can occur for no apparent reason. It may be mild enough that it’s bothersome, but short term does not...

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Fitness & Wellness, Lifestyle, Mindset, Nutrition

Healthy Eating In Real Life

Are you always on the run and don’t have time for healthy eating? That’s how a lot of people in Louisville, KY, feel. Real life doesn’t look like a segment...

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Fitness & Wellness, Lifestyle, Nutrition

Are Beans KETO Friendly?

Keto has become one of the latest weight loss crazes that actually works. It requires paying close attention to the number of carbs you consume, so most people opt for...

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Fitness & Wellness

Yoga For Diabetes

Diabetes can exacerbate some conditions, like high blood pressure, heart disease or circulation. Yoga can help directly, like stabilizing blood sugar levels. Increasing activity and eating healthy are exceptionally good...

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Fitness & Wellness

Best Stretches To Start Your Day

Are you one of those people that jump out of bed and immediately rush to get ready to work? There’s a better way to start your day and that’s by...

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Fitness & Wellness

What Are The Benefits Of Foam Rolling?

Clients at Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY, know that a hard workout can result in some muscle aches and pains. Those can lead to a reluctance to keep a workout...

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Fitness & Wellness

Why Do Some People Never Sweat When Working Out?

Do you notice the guy or gal at the gym who always seems fresh and dry. They never sweat when working out or so it seems. There can be several...

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Fitness & Wellness

Best Exercises For Stronger Obliques

At Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY, we focus on overall fitness using the tools of a healthy diet and a program of regular exercise designed specifically for each person. We...

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Fitness & Wellness

How To Fit More Steps In Every Day

For most people, it isn’t about the type of exercise to do…it’s more about just getting some exercise. If you’re working out in the gym already, then you can add...

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Fitness & Wellness

Great Protein Sources For Vegetarians

It’s far easier to find healthy protein sources for vegetarians than it is for vegans. It’s because vegetarians do eat some animal products, such as eggs, dairy or both. Lacto...

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Fitness & Wellness

Say Goodbye To Love Handles

If you’re out of shape, you face problems like beer belly, love handles, bat wings and thunder thighs. Those are just a few of the terms clients use to explain...

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Fitness & Wellness

What Is Lifestyle Medicine?

You know the drill. You go to the doctor, he or she finds you have a condition or disease and the string of prescription drugs start. Those drugs help manage...

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Fitness & Wellness

Does Exercise Help You Live Longer?

Exercise is important for a number of different reasons. It improves digestion, increases circulation and helps prevent serious conditions that are life threatening, like stroke, high blood pressure, some types...

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Fitness & Wellness

Everything You Need To Know About Manuka Honey

Whether you buy local honey in Louisville, KY, or choose more exotic types, the honey is often named for the type of plant that the pollen and nectar comes from...

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Fitness & Wellness

How Chia Seeds Could Be A Game Changer

No matter where you talk about chia seeds and the benefits, someone will bring up the chia pets that are so popular around Christmas. They extend beyond the animal world...

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Fitness & Wellness

Animal Vs Plant Protein

It doesn’t matter whether it’s animal or plant protein, certain factors determine what’s best. For instance, does it contain all nine essential amino acids. The essential amino acids are ones...

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Fitness & Wellness

What Muscles Do Mountain Climbers Work?

When only the best fitness results will do, we provide that at Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY. We focus on each individual’s needs, whether it’s nutrition needs, overall fitness and...

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Fitness & Wellness

Best Foods To Eat In The Morning

No matter how much you love to start your day off with a donut, it isn’t on the list of foods to eat in the morning. It should supply not...

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Fitness & Wellness

The Pros And Cons Of Restrictive Diets

Special diets are all restrictive diets in one way or another, even if it’s a healthy diet. If you’re suffering from a food allergy, you have to go on a...

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Fitness & Wellness

Should I Eat Protein With Every Meal?

Whether you’re the average person who doesn’t exercise, trying to get into shape or at the level of a bodybuilder you need protein, but do you need protein with every...

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Fitness & Wellness

Will “Cheat Days” Ruin My Progress?

At Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY, we focus not on dieting, but learning to eat healthier. That way there are no strict calorie restricted days. Cheat days are more for...

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Fitness & Wellness

The Difference Between Weight Loss And Fat Loss

At Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY, while we help you with weight loss, we’re all about fat loss. Yes, there’s a difference between the two. When you lose weight, it...

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Fitness & Wellness

Good Fruit Combos To Fuel Your Morning

What’s the best food to start you day off right? It’s actually a combination of foods, but good fruit combos should be part of that group. Fruit is easy to...

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Fitness & Wellness

Delicious Foods That Burn Belly Fat

These fat burning foods work in a number of ways, from thermogenic benefits, which means it takes more calories to digest the food than the food contains, to phytochemicals in...

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Fitness & Wellness

Healthiest Winter Veggies

Saving money at the grocery is on the top of everyone’s list, especially since prices have risen so rapidly. One way to do that is to eat in-season fruits and...

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Fitness & Wellness

Does Your Diet Affect Your Skin?

Fitness starts in the kitchen. While we focus heavily on exercise to build the body you want, at Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY, we know that your diet is ultimately...

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Fitness & Wellness

The Importance Of Cool Down Exercises

Most people understand the importance of warming up and doing active stretching to avoid injury. However, it’s also important to do cool down exercises. Most people are ready to drop...

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Fitness & Wellness

Does Tea Help With Inflammation?

When someone mentions tea, they normally are talking about the leaves from the camellia sinensis plant, which are often considered true teas. You see them in every grocery store under...

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Fitness & Wellness

Is It Time To Shape Up?

What makes you want to shape up? It can be a lot of things. It might be feeling exhausted climbing a flight of stairs or trying on your favorite outfit,...

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Fitness & Wellness

What Foods Help With Bloating?

Whether you feel overly full for hours or simply can’t pull your tummy in or zip your jeans, when you could with ease just a day before, you probably are...

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Fitness & Wellness

How To Stay Motivated As A Beginner

Most people start a workout program excited and determined. Little by little, they lose that excitement and eventually the skip their workout entirely. Before you know it, that one day...

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Fitness & Wellness

How To Find The Right Trainer

There’s a reason they’re called “personal” trainers. Trainers work specifically to create programs based on you, your needs, goals and present level of fitness. In Louisville, KY, we think we...

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Training Ideas To Get Fit Through The Winter

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent est est, semper et mi aliquet, ullamcorper gravida mi. Nullam scelerisque aliquet ullamcorper. Curabitur tincidunt odio urna, a dapibus nunc ultrices...

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32 Secret Workouts To Strengthen Your Core

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent est est, semper et mi aliquet, ullamcorper gravida mi. Nullam scelerisque aliquet ullamcorper. Curabitur tincidunt odio urna, a dapibus nunc ultrices...

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Healthy Meals That Are Great For The Whole Family

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent est est, semper et mi aliquet, ullamcorper gravida mi. Nullam scelerisque aliquet ullamcorper. Curabitur tincidunt odio urna, a dapibus nunc ultrices...

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Crossfit Tips For Absolute Beginners

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent est est, semper et mi aliquet, ullamcorper gravida mi. Nullam scelerisque aliquet ullamcorper. Curabitur tincidunt odio urna, a dapibus nunc ultrices...

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Full Strength Workouts Without The Gym

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent est est, semper et mi aliquet, ullamcorper gravida mi. Nullam scelerisque aliquet ullamcorper. Curabitur tincidunt odio urna, a dapibus nunc ultrices...

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Alternative Breakfast Ideas To Mix Things Up

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent est est, semper et mi aliquet, ullamcorper gravida mi. Nullam scelerisque aliquet ullamcorper. Curabitur tincidunt odio urna, a dapibus nunc ultrices...

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Fitness & Wellness

Reasons To Document Your Fitness Journey

Why would you want to document your fitness journey? There are a lot of reasons. First, when you track or document your journey, you’ll be able to see what works...

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Fitness & Wellness

Get Vitamin D Without Excessive Sun

If you’ve heard that you need vitamin D to help boost your immune system, you heard right. Not only do you need vitamin D, studies show about half of Americans...

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Fitness & Wellness

The Link Between Sleep And Weight Loss

It’s almost a badge of honor to say you’re getting too little sleep. It’s as though you’re working harder, but that’s not always true. In fact, lack of sleep, can...

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Fitness & Wellness

What Foods Boost Your Immunity?

Whether your goal is just to build your immunity to stay fit or ward exposure to an exposure to a virus or bacterial infection, clients at Body Sculptors in Louisville,...

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Fitness, Fitness & Wellness, Inspiration, Nutrition

The Easiest Way To Get Ripped In 3 Months

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent est est, semper et mi aliquet, ullamcorper gravida mi. Nullam scelerisque aliquet ullamcorper. Curabitur tincidunt odio urna, a dapibus nunc ultrices...

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Exercise, Fitness, Fitness & Wellness, Lifestyle

How To Create The Ultimate At Home Gym

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent est est, semper et mi aliquet, ullamcorper gravida mi. Nullam scelerisque aliquet ullamcorper. Curabitur tincidunt odio urna, a dapibus nunc ultrices...

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Fitness & Wellness, Nutrition, Recipe's

The Perfect Steak Keto Recipe

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent est est, semper et mi aliquet, ullamcorper gravida mi. Nullam scelerisque aliquet ullamcorper. Curabitur tincidunt odio urna, a dapibus nunc ultrices...

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Fitness & Wellness

Are There Specific Diets For Each Skin Type?

At Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY, we help you become your healthiest. That includes both your diet and an exercise program. Both of these are personalized just for you. Making...

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Fitness & Wellness

Is Raw Food Healthier Than Cooked?

Is raw food healthier than its cooked counterpart? There is no yes or no answer. Things are a bit more complicated. Let’s start with raw fish and meat. Why do...

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Fitness & Wellness

Best Ab Exercises For Women

If you’re female and want a curvy look that includes a narrower waist and flat stomach, you want to focus on ab exercises for women. Abs include transverse abdominis, rectus...

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Fitness & Wellness

Why Can’t I Lose Weight?

When people come to Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY, they often feel they simply can’t lose weight and that their body isn’t capable of it. That’s simply not true. While...

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Fitness & Wellness

What Is BMI?

BMI stands for body mass index. It’s one measure of your overall health, but not the final one. BMI uses a chart to calculate a number that shows whether you’re...

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Fitness & Wellness

Make Healthy Eating Easier

If you thought healthy eating was simply too hard to do, there are ways to make it far easier. It may start by simply cutting out food with added sugar....

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Fitness & Wellness

How To Beat The Soda Habit

It’s a hot day and you want a refreshing drink. What is the first thing you want? If you said water, then good for you. If you said sweet tea...

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Fitness & Wellness

Exercises That Relieve Stress

You don’t have to be in any particular occupation, location or circumstance, stress occurs no matter what you do, or where you live, whether it’s Louisville, KY, or any other...

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Fitness & Wellness

Realistic Ways To Eat Less Processed Foods

Is your finest china a Styrofoam container and plastic spoons your best cutlery? It’s time to make some changes and switch to a healthier eating style. You need to eat...

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Fitness & Wellness

Does Fiber Help With Cholesterol Levels?

At Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY, clients get the benefit of both diet and exercise expertise. We provide personalized diets that can help you lose weight, lower blood pressure, normalize...

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Fitness & Wellness

Try Eating Slower

If there were Olympic competition for how fast you could eat, would you win? In today‘s busy world, taking the time to truly enjoy a meal, rather than shuffling it...

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Fitness & Wellness

How To Keep Your Digestive System Healthy

One thing you can do that will affect your whole body and even your mental health is to keep your digestive system healthy. Your gut is filled with bacteria and...

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Fitness & Wellness

Potassium Rich Foods

Eating a wide variety of foods is important to your health. It ensures you’ll get all the essential nutrients your body needs. Potassium is one of those nutrients that play...

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Fitness & Wellness

Reasons Why You’re Not Hungry

If you started one of our new meal plans at Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY, and find you’re not hungry between meals or feel full enough to make it to...

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Fitness & Wellness

Could You Be Lactose Intolerant?

Lactose intolerance acts differently in everyone and can even change within the same person at various times, in various situations. Some lactose intolerance starts early in life in infants who...

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Fitness & Wellness

Nutrition Vs Workout

There are gyms that focus simply on the best workout and places that highlight nutrition, whether it’s to help you lose weight or just be your healthiest. The truth is,...

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Fitness & Wellness

How Can I Lose Fat In My Face?

There is no difference in fat in your body, no matter where it is, so if you want to lose fat in your face, you simply have to lose weight....

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Fitness & Wellness

Can I Do an Ab Workout Standing Up?

AT Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY, we help you achieve your goals. Getting great looking abs is usually one of those on everyone’s list. Not only do we provide an...

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Fitness & Wellness

Should Your Nutrition Change As You Age?

Your nutritional needs often change as you age, we know that at Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY. It’s why we create individualized eating plans. No two people are alike and...

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Fitness & Wellness

Is Intermittent Fasting Right For You?

Intermittent fasting—IF—is one of the most popular modified ways of eating that can also help you lose weight. It’s not about what you eat, although you should eat a healthy...

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Fitness & Wellness

Favorite Indoor Exercises

When you workout at the gym, you’re doing indoor exercises that can also be done outside the gym. However, most people don’t have the gym equipment in their home. That’s...

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Fitness & Wellness

Balancing Work And Health

America is a nation of workers and many take pride in how hard they work. However, balancing work and health is important. Some people think it’s selfish to take care...

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Fitness & Wellness

What’s Your Motivation To Stay Healthy?

If you’re like many people, simply deciding you’re going to workout because someone said it was good for you isn’t going to help you stick with a fitness program. Somehow,...

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Fitness & Wellness

Is It Bad To Run In The Cold Air?

If you’re living in Louisville, KY, or other area where it can get really cold, you may wonder whether it’s healthy to run in the cold. In most cases, the...

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Fitness & Wellness

Is Frozen Yogurt Better Than Ice Cream?

We all know that eating a tub of ice cream isn’t good for you, but would it be better if you ate a tub of frozen yogurt. Since it first...

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Fitness & Wellness

What Are The Benefits Of Celery?

When you think of the benefits of celery, you immediately think of it as a low calorie food that’s good for dieters. Celery is a member of the parsley family....

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Fitness & Wellness

Are Bananas Good To Eat After A Workout?

At Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY, helping people look and feel better is our major goal. We strive to help you find ways to get better results in less time...

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Fitness & Wellness

Herbs That May Boost Your Energy And Focus

We’re here at Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY, to help you achieve your goals. Many people want to lose weight, almost everyone wants to feel and look their best, but...

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Fitness & Wellness

How To Finally Start Eating Healthy This Year

Did you want to start eating healthy this year, but you’re not sure where to start? We can help you. While some people love to dive right into a project...

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Fitness & Wellness

Best Drinks To Have Before Bed

Getting a good night’s sleep is extremely important. Not only does it help you concentrate better the next day, it can actually help you lose weight or prevent weight gain....

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Fitness & Wellness

Which Cardio Burns Belly Fat?

No matter how hard you work your abs, if you have a layer of fat covering them, nobody can see your hard work. While spot exercises create strong underlying muscles,...

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Fitness & Wellness

Why Running Outside Is Better

Louisville, KY, is beautiful, which is one big reason that running outside is better. There are so many things to see and enjoy that it makes running better and less...

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Fitness & Wellness

Diets Without Meat

You might be surprised at how many diets without meat there are. If you think of vegans immediately, it isn’t too surprising. That’s what people normally consider, a diet that...

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Fitness & Wellness

What I Wish I Knew Before I Started Working Out

People often ask me what I wish I knew before I started working out and that’s tough to answer, since I fell like I’ve always been active and have been...

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Fitness & Wellness

How To Meal Plan And Hit Your Goals

We focus on all aspects of fitness at Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY. Not only is working out important to get to your proper weight and level of fitness, so...

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Fitness & Wellness

Favorite Health Food Stores

I am writing this blog because so many clients ask about the best health food stores and want information on where to go. You’ll really be surprised at my answer....

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Fitness & Wellness

Why Is Salmon Recommended Over Other Types Of Fish?

If you’ve just started focus on eating healthier, you’ll often find salmon, more than any other fish. Why is that? What makes salmon so healthy? First, most fatty fish are...

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Fitness & Wellness

How To Stay Physically And Mentally Healthy When You’re Stuck At Home

Everyone has coped differently during the quarantine, unfortunately, many people found their coping skills wanting and didn’t make the best use of time. It’s tough stay physically and mentally healthy...

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Fitness & Wellness

Calming Herb And Spices To Fight Anxiety

You can help yourself and make your food even better when you add calming herb and spices to fight anxiety. While clients who workout at Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY,...

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Fitness & Wellness

Why Variety In Workouts Is Important

If you’ve ever tried to create a workout program on your own, you’ll find there are hundreds of different exercises and many different ways to do them to reap benefits....

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Fitness & Wellness

How Often Should I Do Cardio Per Week??

Whether you’re working out with us at Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY, or using our online workout program, you have to be consistent and get the right amount of exercise...

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Fitness & Wellness

Is A Food Journal Important?

Have you ever had a food journal, or even heard of keeping one? If you haven’t, you’d be surprised at how this simple tool can really help you lose weight....

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Fitness & Wellness

Why Meal Planning Is Important

What is meal planning? It’s more than just planning meals ahead. It’s cooking them ahead, too. It’s a process that not only can save time during the week, but also...

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Fitness & Wellness

Stay Healthy And Fit As You Get Older

We love working with people of all ages at Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY. While it’s satisfying, no matter what your age, it’s particularly enjoyable to watch seniors. We can...

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Fitness & Wellness

Counting Calories Vs Macronutrients

Before going into the discussion of calories vs macronutrients, you need to understand what both are. Calories are a measure of energy or heat, whose definition has changed over the...

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Fitness & Wellness

Workouts That Are Perfect When You’re Busy

It does take time to come to the gym and workout, but it’s worth it. However, there are times when you’re busy that it might seem impossible. For those times,...

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Fitness & Wellness

Start a Fitness Program by Increasing how Much You Walk

While many clients come regularly to the gym for their workout, there are those that for a variety of reasons, never go to the gym at all. Even those that...

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Fitness & Wellness

Burn Calories and Boost Your Mood

You can actually watch people’s faces change from stressed to more relaxed as they workout at Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY. When you workout, you not only burn calories, you...

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Fitness & Wellness

Why Taking A Time Out Can Improve Your Happiness

Going to Disneyland, taking a vacation or enjoying the latest nightspot may not be what you need to be your happiest. Sometimes, you can improve your happiness by stepping back...

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Fitness & Wellness

Why Your Weight Doesn’t Really Matter

How can I say your weight doesn’t really matter when I’m helping people in Louisville, KY, shed extra pounds? It’s easy because it’s true. Too often people focus too much...

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Fitness & Wellness

Why You Need To Take Care Of Yourself First

For some reason, it has become noble to work yourself to a frazzle and simply take care of other people’s needs. It shouldn’t be that way. In fact, it’s not...

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Fitness & Wellness

How To Stay Physically And Mentally Healthy When You’re Stuck At Home

When time was available, did you find that you didn’t get all those things done you thought you would if you just had a little more time? It’s been the...

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Fitness & Wellness

Why Is Salmon Recommended Over Other Types Of Fish?

If you’ve read much about eating healthy, you’ll probably notice that salmon is often recommended. There are good reasons that nutrition experts recommend salmon. Let’s start with it as a...

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Fitness & Wellness

Calming Herb And Spices To Fight Anxiety

Anxiety, being uptight and suffering from stress occurs everywhere, not just Louisville, KY. You don’t have to run to a physician to get a prescription or take an over the...

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Fitness & Wellness

What Is The Paleo Diet?

No matter where you live, Louisville, KY, or other city, you probably have heard of a variety of different diets, including the Paleo Diet. If you don’t know what it...

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Fitness & Wellness

Ways To Increase Your Energy Levels

In today’s busy world, it’s easy to run on empty, many Americans do. That’s not healthy. It’s better to increase your energy levels naturally by making lifestyle changes. Not only...

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Fitness & Wellness

How Fitness Directly Affects Serotonin Levels In The Brain

There’s a lot of reasons to focus on fitness, one of those is to help your body function at its peak performance, which includes biochemical actions. Serotonin one of the...

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Fitness & Wellness

Zero Calorie Energy Drinks

If you come to Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY, you’ll probably see a number of people touting energy drinks, including zero calorie energy drinks. One of my clients asked me...

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Fitness & Wellness

Changing Your Oil Habits

Everyone that cooks has oil habits. That means everyone has a go-to oil they use all the time, regardless of the heat used to cook or even the recipe used....

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Fitness & Wellness

Is There Anything Wrong With Canned Veggies?

If you think that eating healthy can be too expensive, since fresh fruit and vegetables can cost a lot, reconsider. Healthy options don’t always have to be fresh. Both frozen...

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Fitness & Wellness

365 New Chances To Start

People in Louisville, KY, are special, but like people all over the world, often wait until the new year starts to make those resolutions to get fit. In fact, the...

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Believe You Can Do It And You’re Halfway There

One of the biggest deterrents people face when they want to achieve any goal is lack of belief that they can do it. The power of belief is important, whether...

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Fitness & Wellness

Exercises For Lower Back Pain

No matter where you live, Louisville, KY, or any other town or city, lower back pain can cause you to miss work and suffer from pain doing the simplest things....

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Fitness & Wellness

It’s Time To Push Through The Plateau

One of the biggest problems with losing weight, especially if you’re working out on your own, is plateauing. The best way to deal with a plateau is to avoid it...

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Fitness & Wellness

Build Muscles The Natural Way

If you’ve ever been to Body Sculptors in Louisville, KY, you know we have an entire program to build muscles with exercise and a healthy diet. You may read ads...

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Fitness & Wellness

Why Adding Exercise Boosts Your Weight Loss

You can’t beat a healthy diet if you want to lose weight. In fact, no matter how much you exercise, you won’t shed a pound if you’re eating a lot...

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Fitness & Wellness

Focus On What You Can, Not What You Can’t

I have people come into the gym and see other clients doing push-ups and lifting weights. They shake their heads and almost quit on the spot. That’s when I give...

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Fitness & Wellness

Is Your Diet As Important As Your Fitness

Can you be your healthiest if you have only a healthy diet, but no fitness program of regular exercise? The answer is no. The same is true if you workout...

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Fitness & Wellness

Commit To Get Fit Before You Feast

If you want to start your new year right, start now. Many of my newer clients in Louisville, KY, decided to commit to get fit before the big holiday meals....

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Fitness & Wellness

Supplements Do You Need Them?

There are a lot of reasons people take supplements . Older people that find it hard to eat all the food they require to get adequate nutrition, whether because of...

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Fitness & Wellness

Best Remedies For Constipation

Constipation isn’t a new problem, but it has become far more prevalent with today’s diet. It affects about 20 percent of the population and while diet plays a big role,...

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Fitness & Wellness

Have You Tried Coconut Oil For Weight Loss

Have you considered coconut oil for weight loss? Some of my clients in Louisville, KY have been asking whether it should be a consideration for their weight loss plan. When...

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Fitness & Wellness

When You Eat Makes A Difference

You probably thought that losing weight was all about what you ate and how much, but did you know that when you eat makes a difference, too? Of course, not...

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Fitness & Wellness

Switch Out That Junk Food For A Healthier Option

I’m proud of our online nutrition program. It makes it easier for people in Louisville, KY, to stick with a healthier eating program and eliminate junk food for a healthier...

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Fitness & Wellness

Fitness Success Requires The Right Mindset

If you want fitness success, you have to have the right mindset. Exercising and eating healthy is more than just a physical activity, it takes focus and is just as...

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Fitness & Wellness

Motivate Yourself To Workout

It’s not always easy to drag yourself to your workout, it’s time to find ways to motivate yourself. That feeling of dread or lack of caring can get worse if...

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Fitness & Wellness

Keep Hydrated

When the temperature rises here in Louisville, KY, it’s extremely important to keep hydrated, especially if you’re working out. Water is your friend. Don’t turn to soft drinks! The caffeine...

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Fitness & Wellness

Do You Need A Recharge?

There are two reasons to take a break, you either are over-exercising or in other words, just plain burned out. Either way, you need a recharge so you get the...

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Fitness & Wellness

Girls Gone Strong

If you think lifting weights is just for men, step up to this century. We have a lot of women in Louisville, KY, that press weights or do body exercises...

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Fitness & Wellness

Commit To Be Fit

Commitment is what makes the difference between success and failure. Any goal worth achieving is worth working toward. It’s the same when it comes to good health. You have to...

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Fitness & Wellness

Be Smart. Eat Smart

It’s time to be smart when you eat. That means you should eat smart. Luckily, you don’t have to be a brain surgeon to do it. In fact, it’s actually...

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Fitness & Wellness

How’s Your Will Power

Most people think that people are overweight or out of shape because they lack will power. That’s not necessarily true. While losing weight can be a struggle, often people fail...

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Fitness & Wellness

What’s Your Inspiration To Get Healthy

Getting fit and healthy isn’t always easy or convenient. There’s no microwavable healthy fitness magic that comes in a box. That’s why I ask clients in Louisville, KY, what their...

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Fitness & Wellness

Get Rid Of Arm Flab

Arm flab is often called bat wings because they give your upper arms a winged appearance. While working out is one way to get rid of arm flab, sometimes it...

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Fitness & Wellness

Staying Healthy This Summer

One of the most important goals you should have for you and your family is staying healthy this summer. One of the first things you need to remember is to...

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Fitness & Wellness

Real Mom Nutrition

Like most moms, good nutrition for your kids is important. It’s not always that easy to do, but certainly can be done by following a few steps. The first and...

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Fitness & Wellness

Eating Simple

One of the benefits of eating whole foods is that they’re often the easiest to make. I have clients in Louisville, KY that love eating simple and reap the benefits...

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Fitness & Wellness

Why Some People Call Alzheimer’s Type 3 Diabetes

One of the reasons I became a personal trainer in Louisville, KY was to help people stay healthier using natural methods, including exercise. Lately, there’s been a lot of promotion...

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Fitness & Wellness

Changes To Improve Your Energy

There’s a lot of ways to improve your energy level that help maintain a high level. While some people automatically reach for a sugary treat, it may help for a...

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Fitness & Wellness

Ways To Boost Your Exercise Benefits

Taking time out of a busy schedule is commendable, but finding ways to boost your exercise benefits is just plain smart. Exercising isn’t normally part of every American’s day. Most...

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Working Out Lifts Your Mood

Everyone has those days when you want to scream at the store clerk, kick the dog or knock off everything on the counter. It’s often created by an extremely stressful...

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Fitness & Wellness

Reduce Your Risk Of Diabetes By Exercising

Losing weight is important if you want to avoid type 2 diabetes, but you also can reduce your risk of diabetes by exercising. Exercise provides other benefits too, including heart...

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Exercise Lowers High Blood Pressure

There’s a lot of clients in Louisville, KY that ask for help from a personal trainer to help shed weight. They also know that exercise lowers high blood pressure in...

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A Teenager’s Nutritional Needs

A teenager’s nutritional needs are different from their parents and even different from younger children in the family. I see so many teens in Louisville, KY that are consuming junk...

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Fitness & Wellness

The Role Stress Hormones Play In Health And Illness

When man lived in caves, stress hormones were extremely important for to remain alive. They prepared early man to flee or fight if necessary. Today, stress hormones also play a...

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Fitness & Wellness

Is Chronic Cardio Making You Fat

Are you pedaling for miles on that stationary bike riding to nowhere or running down the street each morning at the crack of dawn, but still find you can’t lose...

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Fitness & Wellness

Benefits Of Workout Partners

The benefits of workout partners are easy to identify. In fact, one of them is the very reason people use personal trainers. Workout partners keep you accountable for your workout....

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Fitness & Wellness

How To Break A Plateau

In fitness, there are lots of different types of plateauing. You can have a plateau that puts a ceiling on the amount of weight you lift, a plateau where you’re...

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Does Your Workout Gear Matter

Does your workout gear matter? If you don’t have the funds for those “spectacular” workout clothes or don’t want to spend the money, since you’re planning on shedding lots of...

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Fitness & Wellness

Relieve Some Holiday Stress

During the holidays, did you feel like you could wrestle someone to the ground for the last Pomsies or Fingerlings HUGS? Maybe you even did! You had two months of...

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Fitness & Wellness

How Important Is My Posture

Most people don’t start working out in our gym in Louisville, KY to improve their posture, it’s just one of those great side effects that comes with getting fit. That...

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Remember To Cool Down After Exercise

Most people that workout regularly ensure they warm up so they get the best performance and reduce the potential for injury. However, some fail to cool down after exercise, which...

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Fitness & Wellness

 Walking The Most Underrated Fitness Tool

You might think of walking as a great way to see some of the beauty of Louisville or even something older people do in the mall for their fitness regimen....

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The Older You Are, The More Important Exercise Becomes

You may not realize it, but as you get older, you actually need to exercise more to avoid the natural loss of muscle tissue. If you haven’t worked out before,...

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Sticking With Your Fitness Program Over The Holidays

Sticking with your fitness regimen during the holidays can be super tough. There’s so much going on that getting to the gym or taking time to workout almost seems impossible....

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Favorite Indoor Activities

If you’re a runner, jogger or other outdoor exerciser or simply need some indoor activities for you or you and the kids to do on your day away from the...

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Fitness & Wellness

Dieting Vs Lifestyle Changes

If you’ve had it with yoyo dieting, it’s time to think about making lifestyle changes. Healthy lifestyle changes can mean eating healthier, working out regularly, getting more sleep and drinking...

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Fitness & Wellness

Change Your Attitude Toward Fitness

There’s a reason I love working with my clients in Louisville, KY. It’s because of their amazing dedication and enthusiasm when it comes to fitness. That makes my job so...

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Fitness & Wellness

A Healthy Diet Is The Key To Fitness

Which is more important for fitness, a healthy diet or a program of regular exercise? While I always tell my clients at my Louisville facility that weight loss starts with...

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Fitness & Wellness

Give Yourself An Early Christmas Gift Of Good Health And Energy

It’s not too early to start thinking about the holidays, especially if you want to give yourself the Christmas gift of good health and energy. It’s not unusual for people...

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Fitness & Wellness

Getting Fit With Online Help

If you don’t have the extra time to get to a gym or don’t have a gym near you, consider getting fit with online help. Not only is online training...

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Fitness & Wellness

What Is The Paleo Diet

There’s always a new diet popping up that has merit. One of these diet philosophies it the paleo diet. It doesn’t use bizarre foods that you have to import or...

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Fitness & Wellness

The Best And Worst Low Carb Foods

To help you make the smartest choices in the food you eat, I’ve created an aid to choose from the best and worst low carb foods. Not all low carb...

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Should You Weigh Yourself Regularly

There’s never been a discussion on whether to weigh yourself regularly when you diet. The question has always been whether you should do it daily, weekly or less frequently. The...

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Could Sitting All Day Be Slowly Killing You?

If you’re like many people, your job involves sitting all day and that could be slowly killing you. Studies show that you need to take a movement break at least...

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Fitness & Wellness

Can Certain Exercises Remove Cellulite

No matter how overweight or thin you are, cellulite can be a problem. I’m constantly asked for the magic cure. The my that exercises remove cellulite is just that, a...

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Are You Working Out Hard Enough

Before you get the idea that you should discontinue all types of exercise because you’re not getting the results you want, you need to stop and see if you’re working...

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Exercise To Prevent And Relieve Back Pain

Many people in the workforce find themselves facing the dilemma of being unable to sit comfortably, lift or even move because of excruciating back pain. That leads to one of...

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Fitness & Wellness

Just Move!

If you want to extend your lifespan, just move! You don’t need a formal training program, although they do provide a wide assortment of exercises for your entire body and...

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Herbs You Can Grow To Fight Inflammation

If you’ve heard the term “inflammation” but aren’t quite sure what it means, you probably aren’t alone. It occurs as a response from the body to protect itself. There are...

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Fitness & Wellness

Reasons To Exercise Every Day, But Not Necessarily At The Gym

Just as there are reasons to exercise every day, there are a lot of reasons that workout is not necessarily at the gym. Exercising is more than just a regular...

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Fitness & Wellness

Is Loneliness Deadly

I don’t normally blog about things like loneliness and stick normally with fitness topics, like exercise and diet. However, I was just reading about the effects of loneliness on health...

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Should You Eat More Often For Weight Loss?

If you’ve followed every diet, you’ve probably eating every two hours, had normal meals or packed all your meals into a short time frame in an effort to lose weight....

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What’s An Adaptogen

I’m always telling clients to learn to use herbs and spices when cooking, to boost flavor and add nutrients without adding extra calories. There’s a number of special herbs that...

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Fitness & Wellness

Total Body Benefits Of Massage

Sure, a massage feels good, but there are also other body benefits of massage that can improve your functioning and health. After a tough workout, it can help to improve...

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Fitness & Wellness

Not All Health Foods Are Healthy

If you’re trying to eat healthy and just take the advice of television commercials or the hype on the labels, you’ll soon realize that not all health foods are healthy....

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Warm Smoothies For A Chilly Morning Or Soothing Dinner

  Everyone loves green smoothies and those icy cold drinks that cool you down and taste a bit like drinking a fruity malt, but did you know warm smoothies can be...

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Personal Training For People On The Go

If you’ve tried to schedule time at the gym and found it is almost impossible to fit into your schedule or you simply can’t get out of the house to do...

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Does The P90X Workout Get Results

If you’re a sucker for watching infomercials or stay up late watching TV, you may have watched Tony Horton promoting the wonderful results of his P90X workout. You can get...

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Fitness & Wellness

Habits Of Healthy People

There’s no magic to becoming fit. It’s nothing more than learning the habits of healthy people and develop those habits. Even though it’s not magic, it doesn’t mean it’s easy....

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Ease Into Exercise

Not everyone works with a personal trainer who pushes them hard to achieve the best possible results. For those working out on their own, it may be better to ease...

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Cleansing For Weight Loss

Some people advocate cleansing for weight loss. I have mixed emotions about the safety and effectiveness of doing it. To complicate matters even more, there are all types of cleanses...

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Workouts For Real Life

Workouts for real life help your body prepare for those activities you do everyday. If you’ve ever bent down and picked up something relatively light, only to have a sharp,...

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Fitness & Wellness

Is Sugar Ruining Your Health?

You may avoid chocolate, candy, cakes and cookies, never letting a bit of carbonated soda touch your lips and think you have the sugar problem conquered. You may be wrong....

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Hormones And Your Health

If you’re like most people, when the word hormone is mentioned, their attention goes toward sexual hormones such as progesterone, estrogen and testosterone. Your body has a myriad of other...

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Surprising Fat Loss Facts

It’s only recently that there’s been such a focus on weight loss. That’s probably because obesity is now the leading cause of preventable death. Much of the new research has...

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Nutrition For The Traveling Athlete

Nutrition for the traveling athlete is important, but can be hard to do. The areas to focus on include ensuring the athlete reaches the necessary protein and carbohydrate needs, gets...

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Build Muscle And Lose Fat

Some people want to focus on losing weight, and then start working on building muscles. They think it’s the best way to do it, but they’re wrong. Not only is...

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What Can You NOT Live Without This Month?

It’s tough to change your ways, but in order to live healthier, that’s just what you may have to do. It’s easier if you start making changes slowly. That requires...

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Hacks For Surviving The Winter

Whether you hate the cold weather and overcast skies or just want longer days, here are some hacks for surviving the winter that can make it easier and may even...

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Great Book Ideas For Snow Days

Don’t let the weather get you down. Take some time to relax and expand your mind or enjoy the latest novel. Here are some great book ideas for snow days...

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Fitness & Wellness

Start With Small Goals

One of the biggest problems in fitness training is discouragement. Even though people may be doing the right things to achieve their goals, they’ve made their goal way too big...

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Make A Commitment To Self-Love And Affirmation

There’s a lot of fat-shaming and most of it comes from those who gained weight and is about themselves. Hating how you look and thinking desparaging remarks about yourself isn’t...

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Flirty Fitness Dates

Dating can be a challenge. There’s always that awkward silence over dinner in the early stages and that deep rut you’ve ingrained in your dating after doing the same thing...

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Fitness For Kids

Getting a good workout program and healthy eating not only promotes your good health, but can be a great way to promote fitness for kids. Children live what they see...

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Exercise Tips For Seniors

The older you are, the more you need exercise. The body loses muscle mass faster the more you age. However, there are also some precautions you need to take, particularly...

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Best Tricep Tricks

If you go online, you’ll find a lot of different recommendations for building big triceps quickly. Many of these can be quite dangerous and potentially cause injury. Here are some...

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Fitness & Wellness

Starting To Workout Again After Surgery

If you’ve fallen off the workout wagon, getting started again can be scary, but it’s even worse if you’re starting to workout again after surgery. The type of surgery you...

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Fitness & Wellness

What’s In Your Gym Bag?

Your gym bag should have all the necessities to make your transformation from John or Joan Average Citizen to powerhouse and back again. While some people have everything they need...

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Fitness & Wellness

How To Get Back On The Fitness Wagon

Don’t let one slip or even several days or weeks of neglect stop you from looking and feeling your best. It’s time to get back on the fitness wagon. Even...

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Fitness & Wellness

Think Outside The Box

Getting fit isn’t always easy. There’s the important matter of getting motivated and staying motivated. Carving out time is another problem. To solve that, sometimes you have to think outside...

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Fitness & Wellness

Beware Of Comfort Foods

Comfort foods are often high calorie foods that tickle your taste buds and lower levels of stress. While you do have to beware of comfort foods, they really do provide...

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Fitness & Wellness

Are You Hungry Or Bored?

People don’t always eat because they need the calories to sustain them. They eat for a number of reasons. Sometimes, it’s emotional and triggered by anger or sadness. Sometimes, eating...

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Fitness & Wellness

Welcome to our new website!

We will be writing about a variety of informative topics to help you achieve your health, weight management, and fitness goals. Be sure to check back often and let us...

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How To Stop Feeling Guilty About Overeating

People who overeat consistently use food to cope with negative feelings. They stuff down those feelings with food. If overeating is followed by feeling guilty, it adds another negative emotion,...

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Fitness & Wellness

Why Is Variety In Workouts Important

If you’ve ever tried to create a workout program on your own, you’ll find there are hundreds of different exercises and many different ways to do them to reap benefits....

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